Um. Hello? Is this thing on?

edited August 2009 in Player Lounge


  • krank
    Posts: 16
    Uh, yeah.

    Came into the hobby late. I was around 16 or 17, I don't remember. I was introduced through the Mutant Chronicles RPG, a game with a system so horridly deformed I hope I never have to GM anything like it ever again.

    Been playing for more than ten years now, but it was only last fall I finally got to play some actual D&D. Turned out the 4th edition wasn't all that bad, if you're into dungeon bashing. Which, I guess, I am. But not primarily.

    My primary interest in roleplaying is, apart from world building and writing and generally making stuff up, immersion-in-character, sometimes erroneously refered to as "deep immersionism" (erroneously because it's not at all more deep than, say, immersion-in-story or immersion-in-system). I prefer my system mechanics as GM aids, hidden away from view. If there has to be dice, I want them to be rolled by someone else, stealthily. If numbers are to be added, and my character isn't the one adding them, I want nothing to do with it. Anything that reminds me that I'm me and not my character, I frown upon.

    I like contemporary settings. Contemporary horror, non-fourcolor-superheroics (think widescreen a' Authority or all grittied up like Watchmen), urban fantasy; these are my realms. primarily, at least. My imagination drains away when I try to imagine things in preindustrial worlds. I don't know why. Meybe because I've always been more of a scifi buff than a fantasy nerd.

    I went from Mutant Chronicles to In Nomine, always reading more than I played. Nobilis made a very strong impression, and I hope I'll figure out how to play it one day, and find the right set of players.

    Mostly, I GM homemade stuff. Most games on the market seem geared towards the beer-and-pretzels crowd. Bashing monsters and being a hero with a big sword. Being something More, in a World Beyond. That's not for me. I want to use roleplaying as a tool for self-education, self-programming, self-analysis...

    (Of course, I experiment. I'm currently in a weird phase where I GM mostly traditional stuff, but almost all the games I'm working on are Forge-inspired. Imagine that.)

    As if anyone ever reads these things...
  • krank
    Posts: 16
    I could also, in case anyone actually bothered to read this far, point out that I'm from Sweden. Which may or may not explain why it took me so long to actually come in contact with D&D. D&D never really became the paragon of all things roleplaying around these parts. There were a lot of other really bad dungeonbashing games instead, so don't you worry...
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    I enjoyed playing in both In Nomine and Nobilis, which are systems rich in rp opportunities. In fact, I was just looking at my old Nobilis character sheets this morning, even though we haven't played in over five years...
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    If you're familiar with Zelazny's _Amber_ novels, there is an entire system of diceless roleplaying based on them. That might be up your alley.
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