Some Feature Ideas


- Ability to link/copy/import PCs/NPCs from one OP campaign site to another

-  "GM only" map markers 

- ability to filter characters using tags in URL (i.e., ) 

- view/manage tags page


  • thaen
    Posts: 1,082

    Thanks for the requests!

    Can you elaborate on how "link/copy/import PCs/NPCs" would need to work for the scenario where you want to use it?  For example, you can do a straight link right now, so what's missing from that that you'd want?

    Can you elaborate on what a "view/manage tags" page would need to do?

    Noted on "GM only map markers" and "ability to filter characters using tags in URL"!

    (If you're a community member reading this, and you prefer one or more of these to any of the others, feel free to note which ones.)

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • Knight_of_Nothing
    Posts: 7

    1. for linking to PCs/NPCs from another OP site: Site B would use some kind of API / service call to display a view of the character(s ) from Site A. At least, that's the way I pictured it. I guess I could simply create a wiki page in Site B, add standard HTML links, and manage it that way. But it'd be nice to be able to view the characters in both sites on the character list page, while managing them in just one. Having an import/export character function would also be a workable solution. 

    2.  view/manage tags would look and act something like a search result page (e.g., except the user would start with the list of tags and no search results. If the user is the GM of the campaign, it would allow him/her to edit the tags globally by clicking an edit icon.   

    Make sense? 

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,082

    1.  Can you give more details on when you would use this?  Do you have a specific example of 2 campaigns where you would want to do this?  Can you give a specific scenario of a problem that this would solve for you?  I'm trying to nail down what all this feature would need to do to meet what you're wanting.

    2.  What does it mean to "edit the tag globally"?  Just change the text of the tag everywhere that it's currently used?

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • Knight_of_Nothing
    Posts: 7

    1. The most common use case, and the one that gave me the idea for this feature, is that a GM runs an adventure for one group and creates a campaign site for that group, and then wants to run the same adventure again for a different group. It'd be nice to reuse the work that I did for the first OP site. But maybe this isn't common enough to warrant the feature! 

    2. Yes, by "edit tag globally," I mean change the text of the tag in one place, and have it propagate through the system. 

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,082

    1.  Cool!  Are you thinking you would create an empty Campaign, and then copy over the PCs and NPCs?  Wouldn't you want all of the wiki pages and maps and uploaded files too?  I'm guessing you wouldn't want the Adventure Logs or the Forums, but feel free to say if I'm wrong on that.

    2.  Got it!  That seems pretty doable.  The only hitch I'm not sure about at the moment is how it might interact/conflict with the search.  But I can research that.  If anyone else is interested in this feature, please post a comment saying so.

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • Knight_of_Nothing
    Posts: 7

    1. wiki pages are just a single text blob - easier to link to and/or copy, they don't change as much once written, and they might actually be revealed in a different order or unfold in an entirely different way. But characters usually have a name, quick description, full description, a bio, GM info, and an image, so they are more tedious to copy, and seem like they'd be a good candidate for automation. That said, if you have a mind to set up a copy for other content from one campaign to another, I'd love it! 

    2. Right on. 

    Thanks for considering these ideas!! 

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,082

    1.  Awesome!  "Copying an existing Campaign" is a feature we've talked about internally, but haven't done anything with yet.  I understand why you would want to copy NPCs, but I'm not following why you would want PCs.  Wouldn't the new Players want to create their own Characters?  Or do you have "pre-made" Characters?

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • Knight_of_Nothing
    Posts: 7

    Sorry for my belated reply! To clarify, I wouldn't want to copy PCs. By "characters", I meant NPCs. Sorry for the confusion. 

    Copy campaign would be a cool feature if it wasn't too complex to implement.   

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,082

    No worries.  I was just making sure I fully understood the scenario and what the feature would need to do.  Thanks for clarifying!

    There was also a discussion of a "piece by piece" copy feature in this thread recently:


    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • Knight_of_Nothing
    Posts: 7

    PCs as NPCs in another campaign: YES! Relates really well to what I want to do as well. 

  • juan_torelcapo
    Posts: 1

    I really need this feature.

    Im DM with my friends in a series of campaings interconected so i could use this kind of feature. 

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