DST for Fate Accelerated Edition


I was going to start a DST for Fate Accelerated Edition, but I see that the current DST collection includes three entries flagged New: Fate Accelerated Edition (WIP) by Maethelion, Fate Accelerated (clone) by cflipse, and Fate Accelerated (forked from fate_core) by c_t.

Is there a way I can try these out or help them along, or do I just need to wait for them to go public in the due course of events? (or start a FOURTH Fate Accelerated work in progress - ha!)


  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    Unfortunately, prior to their approval, the only ones able to access the DSTs to test them out are the author and site admins. That said, we do have an "adoption"program for DSTs that were abandoned before being finished, enabling them to be transferred to a new author.

    If any or all of these are abandoned (I'll check it out on the administration dashboard), we can get something setup for you to check them out. I can send you screen captures, or we can Skype and I can share screen, or something else similar. Then you could pick one or more to adopt.

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • OldeMusicke
    Posts: 3

    If they look abandoned, sure, I'd like to see some screen captures. I would hope (famous last words) that a fork from the Fate Core DST would be enough: a more general Phase Trio, Approaches instead of Skills, and just the one Stress track.

  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    Hey @OldeMusicke,

    As promised, I looked into the sheets for you. Of the 3, there's one that I'd say is for sure abandoned at this point. The original author hasn't been on-site for like 2 years. Here are some screen captures to take a peek at. If you want me to transfer it over to you, let me know. If not, no worries, you can always start one of your own.

    Fate Accelerated (forked from fate_core)

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • OldeMusicke
    Posts: 3

    Apparently, the author started with a copy of the Fate Core DST (as it was at the time) and then didn't do anything with it.

    You can transfer it over to me. Forking from Fate Core would be my approach too, so this gives me a starting point.



  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    Okay, the transfer has been completed. Excited to see where it goes!

    All the best,
    - Kallak
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