Inline CSS to makepost background transparent


Without splurging for Ascendant, I am stuck with editing everything with inline CSS and HTML since I do not have access to the Custom CSS feature.

With that there a way to make the white background of specific adventure log posts transparent? I already have the inline CSS in place to place my text over an adjustable parchment background, but this is now floating on the white background and looks bad. Is there any way to do this without dropping funds for Ascendant?



  • Conan_Lybarian
    Posts: 240

    The campaign is private, so your link is a no go as far as inspecting elements or making a suggestion.

    I feel like there is an in-line way to do it. Check out some of the bigger campaigns- a lot of them have their css listed. Pretty sure I've got it in the items of Cold Truce too. You may just have to play with it a little more. But all that being said, why not just go Ascendant? It's pretty cheap when you consider what a hobby can cost you. Hell, 1 year is the cost of a core book, which I'm sure you've got stacks of like anyone else on OP ;-) Try the 1 month, play with the features. Any edits you do will still be there if it expires or you cancel it. But I guarantee after doing your customization the easy way, you'll appreciate the value. 1 edit leads to another, then another, then a plan to win CotM! Plus all the other stuff that comes with it is awesome.

    Just my 2 cents

  • gastoff
    Posts: 136

    Campaign privacy is set to public, but I still had that page set to GM only. I fixed it. My reasoning behind not springing for Ascendant is that I am not a fan of monthly subscription style services; I would much rather pay a fee one time and be puts it in the same category as my other numerous monthly bills, and that drains all fun and enjoyment from it. I will continue to search around and hope to stumble upon a fix. As it is, the only CSS I end up coming across are people sharing their Custom CSS options that have to be paid for; nothing that I've seen thus far is able to be use inline within a OP post.

    I may have to bite the bullet and get Ascendant, but it will be grudgingly...


  • gastoff
    Posts: 136

    I bought Ascendant to try it out and the Custom CSS is applying the transparent background to every single wiki page. What do I have to do to apply a transparent background to the text field on a case by case basis? Is there not a way to alter the font, size, background, formating, etc of a single page using CSS o am I stuck wth having every single page look identical?


  • Conan_Lybarian
    Posts: 240

    There's a fix- I'll dig into it on a PC tonight. And looking thru what you have already, did you do all this with in-line, per page? That's pretty impressive- and seems arduous! I get not liking subscriptions. I'm right there with you. But it ends up being cheaper than just paying for snacks at game every week lol. And the more I've used it, the more its added to the fun and feeling of the campaign itself

  • Krothos
    Posts: 230 edited October 2019

    Post edited by Krothos on
  • gastoff
    Posts: 136

    I sprung for Acendant, and it is making things quite a bit easier, but I still need to learn how to make adjustments to specific pages/entries that override the Custom CSS coding.

    The Strange Aeons AP has numerous notes, writings, books, etc that the PCs stumble across, so I have each NPC have their own unique font and writing style. Currently, I am writing things in Microsoft Word, exporting as a PDF, then uploading it to my OP page as an image. This is tedious and removes the ability for me to use links in the missives.

    The Custom CSS does a great job of altering things site wide, but I am looking for ways to make unique Adventure Log posts using specific fonts that aren't overridden by the Custom CSS. When I add a new Google Font, can I use that with inline CSS to adjust things on a single page?


  • Conan_Lybarian
    Posts: 240

    Sorry I didnt get a chance to dig into this yesterday- sick kiddos. I've got some OP stuff for tCT I've got to do tonight, so I'll play with it

  • gastoff
    Posts: 136

    Nevermind, figured it out. I used the font-family to make the adjustments I needed to singular posts:

    p{font-family:Shadows Into Light;font-size:24px;display:flex;justify-content:space-between;}.


  • Conan_Lybarian
    Posts: 240


  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047

    Gastoff, honestly, Ascendant is worth the small amount it costs every month. I too am not fond of a monthly subscription, but it is the way of things. I enjoy my Netflix and soon to be Disney + too much to not get them because they are monthly, why should I not do so with Ascendant for something that makes my campaign so much easier to run?

  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    Once you have your fonts, just set classes for them in the custom CAR. Then you can call the desired don't simply by assigning the class to a given paragraph or div element or whatever else.

    All the best,
    - Kallak
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