I think I've fallen in love...

edited July 2009 in Player Lounge


  • Pixiedragon
    Posts: 2
    ... with this site!
    I've joined yesterday and so far it has everything I need.

    Let me introduce myself, I'm Pixiedragon and I've been playing D&D for a few years now and have been DMing for about half that time. My campaign is homebrew and has many Steampunk elements. I'm the type of player that sees something interesting in many different books and decides "hey! that's useful, lets add it" and end up with a chaotic mass of interesting stuff.
    Though I use D&D 3.5, it kinda ended up being mostly a 'Guideline".

    The reason for this is that most of my players just don't like fighting and prefer intrigue, and there are some players who mainly play for the social aspect of the game so they refuse to play anything but 3.5, because they don't want to spend time figuring out how the system works. And with a combination like that, it's very difficult to keep all my players happy. Hell, they even managed to skip fighting with a group of bandits by talking them out of it. x)

    The only thing I haven't figured out yet is if there is a possible way to put some information in a wiki or NPC-description that not everyone can read. I tried making the text white but it didn't work, nor dit making the background black. :(
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    If you want to keep it completely secret from the players, there's the "GM-Only" field (assuming you are the GM of the campaign in question, which it sounds like you are).

    If you want some players to know and others to not know...I don't know of a way that currently exists, nor can I think of an easy way for the administrators to add it, so honestly I think you just need to roll back to "low tech" methods like private messages or email - or what I'll be doing in an upcoming game, paper printouts in sealed envelopes. How retro is that? =P

    ETA: If you expect the other players will eventually find out, you may want to do both. That way, after the secret is revealed, you can just copy and paste the info from private to public.
  • Pixiedragon
    Posts: 2
    Ah thanks for your information, I'm currently giving them the information by private messages, as you suggested. It works but I'm afraid I might loose track of it, which is why I was wondering if there was an existing option for it. Sealed envelopes are nice though! Especially if you're allowed to keep them after the session. I have one of them myself from the DM of another campaign and it's actually sealed with wax as well. So it's not retro, unless Retro = totally awesome.
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