From Northern California: Sup.

edited July 2009 in Player Lounge


  • krispy
    Posts: 1
    Hello yalls.

    I've been a comic book aficionado since 1990 (when I was in first grade... still have my first comic!). I've been around gaming since middle school, though that was mainly CCGs. I played my first tabletop RPG in the early 2000's when I began working at a comic shop, and was constantly surrounded by it. I wasn't into it much then; only played a handful of time. I didn't REALLY start playing RPGs until late last year, when a few friends of mine decided to pop their tabletop cherries with Star Wars d20 (non-Saga Edition). Since then, I've been running an X-Men based campaign with the Mutants & Masterminds system. I've yet to play any sort of D&D, though that will change now that my friends and I have quit playing SW and decided to take up 4e.

    Not having a lot of gamer friends, I've been interested in looking at running things like Primetime Adventures, or other games that might be more appealing to the uninitiated. Anyone have any recommendations for games that you can just bust out one night and get a bunch of RPG virgins to start gaming?
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Is there anyone near you that's involved with the RPGA? The Living Forgotten Realms campaign kicked off about a year ago, and they're running in 4E. The neat thing about the Living campaigns is they're a series of modules designed to be playable in an average of five hours.

    Even if you didn't want to participate in the full glory of the Living campaigns, if you were to either join or make friends with a member, you might be able to snag copies of some of those modules and run them as unsanctioned events.
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    "Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Game": is excellent for comic book afficionados unfamilar with role playing games. Simple rules, no requirement to invest in piles of dice, and a good adaptation of the Marvel Universe makes this system a no-brainer.
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