Wiki page not linking to adventure logs

edited January 2019 in Campaign Portal Building


I've been using Obsidian Portal over the last couple of months, and have really been liking it, but I'm having trouble linking to adventure log entries from my main wiki page. Today, I made a new adventure log entry, but when I try to link to it on the main wiki page, the system doesn't recognize that it's a valid link. In the past, I've been able to link to adventure log pages using the Wiki Link button, and I'm wondering if there's a trick to it that I did before but am not doing now. Any help would be appriciated. Thanks!


Post edited by Picardy3rd on


  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    @Picardy3rd, there's definitely no "trick" to it, so something is clearly going on. Is there anything you can tell me about the creation of the adventure log in question? Was it originally named something else? Was it the second version of a the page? Anything like that? Anything you can give me may help in looking into the cause.

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • Picardy3rd
    Posts: 3

    Hi @Kallak, thanks for the response. When the adventure log was created, I think it always had the same name, although it's possible I named it "The Hunt" first. I'd saved it a couple of times while writing it, but otherwise don't think I did anything weird with it.

  • Picardy3rd
    Posts: 3 edited January 2019

    @Kallak, I just deleted the adventure log post and created a new one with the same name, which is now linking correctly. I'm guessing that I did name it something else first, and that might have screwed things up. I never even thought of deleting the Adventure Log and re-entering it. Thanks for your help on this.

    Post edited by Picardy3rd on
  • Bortas
    Posts: 645

    Adventure logs are a bit of a sticking point: the link will always be based on whatever you first named it when you created it. This is not a huge deal, but the longer your campaign runs, the more obnoxious it becomes.


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