
edited June 2009 in Player Lounge


  • XCodes
    Posts: 1
    Hello. Kinda new around here.

    I guess you want a little bio or whatever. Well, my two big brothers were somewhat major D&D heads but I guess they never got too many other players where we lived at the time, so as a kid brother I came in and played with them a bit, and have been playing ever since. Their influence over my taste in games hasn't ended there, either. My brother forbade me to ever play this game on his computer called Civilization, and being a 10-year old I did just the opposite and he eventually wound up teaching me how to play better. Today I've got Civ 3 and Alien Crossfire both on my computer.

    Currently I'm knowledgeable about most the WotC systems (3.5e, 4e, and SWSE), but I'd like to learn some other systems. Not looking at anything in particular, just something different.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Hi XCodes!

    If you want to pick up a new system, the other one I'm familiar with and enjoy is the HERO / Champions system. (It and Amber Diceless are my DM's favorites.)

    I'm going to particularly recommend it because the rules will be moving from 5th to 6th edition sometime in August. What I expect this means is you'll have a much better shot at finding cheap copies of the 5th edition rulebooks at a local used bookstore. (Also, in general, if you live near a college campus, the used bookstores near campus are a great resource for gaming material as kids sell them off to buy ramen.)

    The other nice thing about the HERO system is the Sidekick book, which is a pared-down version of the rules. It will list all the basic powers and game mechanics, without going into ALL the different things you can do with them. For example, my copy of the Sidekick has the rules for a Healing-based power, and the cost for it, but it doesn't mention that you can pay more to have that power regrow limbs or resurrect someone. If you do a web search for "Hero system sidekick", you should be able to find copies for sale.
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    If you're looking for something different, check out the "SAGA System": . Why would you like the SAGA System? It uses a very simple system which allows for a great diversity of abilities, emphasises role playing, and ditches using dice altogether. Using a deck of cards, players play from a hand of cards to accomplish tasks. It's one of my favorite systems. Someday I'll covert "my old campaign": to Obsidian Portal.

    SAGA System was originally introduced in the "Dragonlance campaign world":,systemversion&match=loose&include=system%3A%3ASAGA+%2F+Dragonlance,systemversion%3A%3A1.0 of D&D fame, and later improved for use in the "Marvel Comics world":,systemversion&match=loose&include=system%3A%3ASAGA+%2F+Marvel,systemversion%3A%3A1.0 . There are rules out on the web for using SAGA System for all sorts of other campaign world and genres, using decks they've built using card deck building programs, a blank SAGA deck PDF someone made available, or various options for using standard playing cards. You can also still find the DL5A and MSHAG basic sets (and thus fate decks) for sale online various places.
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