Wiki Breadcrumbs


  • IcebergTitanic
    Posts: 2
    I would like to request that a Breadcrumb feature be added to the wiki.

    In other words, when I go down to a particular article, there should be links at the top of the page showing each link that preceded my current location.

    Here's an example. Say I'm working on an article for the Spirit Blade custom class, a prestige class. At the top of my article page should be something like:

    Home > Custom Rules > Classes > Prestige Classes

    With each of those items being clickable to go straight to that article. (I note that the forum actually has this feature, right there at the bottom of this post...)
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    But wikis, by their very nature, are not single file lines. How would the system differ between a link from an Adventure Log post, a link from an NPC, and various different "levels" of linkage in the main wiki?
  • IcebergTitanic
    Posts: 2
    True, it might be more of a "how I got to this page" kind of breadcrumb...
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June 2024
The Planewalker’s Guild

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