Restricting Ability to Edit the Wiki

edited March 2009 in Feature Requests


  • valo1012
    Posts: 1
    Maybe there already is a feature like this and I just haven't found it, but as far as I can tell the players in a campaign can edit any page in the campaign's wiki. I haven't had any serious problems with it yet, but as a GM it would be nice to be able to make pages that can only be edited by you so that you know that the information that you put on the wiki and everywhere else won't get changed or deleted by misguided players. I understand that this isn't that vital so it probably isn't top priority, but I think it would be a good feature to have.
  • Redslash12
    Posts: 26
    There was a thread I posted in a little while ago where I suggested a "GM Lock" Check box option like the "GM Only" check box, in which any page with this check could only be edited by the GM but could be seen by anyone. This feature would be great for pages on world lore and background where players shouldn't be editing things in the first place. I heard of one person who lost a whole page because of an accident by one of his players. I think this option would be fairly easy to implement and would be quite nice.
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    Another way to resolve the issue would be a quick "archive whole campaign to disk" feature. That way you could restore anything which a player accidentally erased.
  • Acetaminophen
    Posts: 20
    I would also like a GM edit lockdown on pages.
  • yanko128
    Posts: 8
    I would like this change as well
  • Untamed
    Posts: 5
    I didn't realize any player could edit the wiki. Definitely a GM lock feature would be nice. In the meantime, I'll threaten my players with 10 lashings if they mess anything up ;)
  • Eklinaar
    Posts: 1
    I would also like the ability to lock certain pages from editing.
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    I just don't think you'll win this one. "Micah said:":

    One other thing to note: most of the site’s functionality is based around the idea of intra-group trust. That’s why any player can add and edit NPCs, wiki pages, and so forth, instead of just the GM. The basic idea is that if you cannot trust someone not to intentionally muck up your OP campaign, then you probably shouldn’t be playing with them in the first place. Heck, from what I’ve heard from several GMs around here, they would kill to have their players be a little more proactive about editing and such. I know I would…
  • Finn_Quill
    Posts: 11
    "I must say, that while I get the intra-group trust thing... I also get that people don't work like that... What if I am playing with someone who I feel I can trust, but then we have a falling out (which actually applies to my group, we just lost two players). Now, if one of those players wanted to, they could have gone home and messed up my entire wiki before I had the chance to get home and boot them from my campaign to prevent that... I know people I would trust with my life today, that I could honestly say I could reasonably not want to speak with tomorrow. It's one thing to allow anyone to edit it willy-nilly, it's another not to have any sort of recourse if someone happens to want to be a dick."

    "Not to mention, what if I have a player I trust as a person, but is a technological moron. They, with good intentions, want to add their two cents to a page, and accidentally alter something or delete something, maybe even without knowing. Hell, maybe I accidentally mess something up..."

    "I think we should either have a lock, or a way to reverse changes made to a wiki within a week or a month of a change."
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    I think we're more likely to win asking for wiki downloads, as "Micah promised to work on here:":

    I’ll bump up the downloadable backups in the priority list. It seems that a lot of you would like this feature, and for good reason.

    With wiki downloads, a GM could (as a precaution) download the latest copy after making any changes.
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