New Beginings with old jeans.

edited June 2009 in Player Lounge


  • ssteelrat
    Posts: 1
    like the title states, I am picking back up the mantle of the DM. I have been playing since I was about 12 learned to play on my dad's orginal D&D books. After that I wint to 2nd edition Ad&d, jumped around on rifts and others but always seem to find my way back to D&D. I resparked my kinship if the gaming world by completely (and underhandly I might ad) converting my close friends who were dead set on the lost in the sewers killing cats stereo-type. Cant say I aprove of how i did it but the path to enlightenment isnt always in the sunshine lol. I simply one day brought over my whole collection of Core books and other materail and started working on characters and adventures. I challenged my friends to at least read the books and try it if only to prove there beliefs sound. 2 weeks later I got calls from there respective spouses and parents (one set of the later I also got to play :D) asking why my friends were planing there schedules around tuesday nights. I still consider my self raw and unpolished as DM, I am always looking for advice, information, books and teachings from others of the gaming communitee so dont be afraid to email me. I enjoy meeting new people and learning new things, if only to better my self as a player and DM.

    _you choose to go voluntarily into the fir, the blaze might well destroy you. But if you survive, every blow of the hammer will serve to shape your being._ Antimodes to a young Raistlin Majere
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    LOL - did some of them read "Mazes and Monsters" by Rona Jaffe or something?

    Glad you've put together a gaming group. Hope this site is useful, and remember to come back and pimp out a link to the campaign if you like.
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