Too much code!!! Please help!


  • Tricen
    Posts: 2
    Alright, I have created a couple of stat blocks for D&D4th to incorporate creature data in. I have two questions about this. 1) The code for the table is VERY long and intrusive. Is there a way I can "call" that code from somewhere else, reducing 70 lines of code down to 1 (I'm thinking something like server side includes or the css @import function...)? Also, is there a way of adding "comment" lines in the textile code? I'd like to organize my code, but without comment tags I'm out of luck. Finally, is there any way of entering physical spaces in between table code? I have having everything bunched together, but if I hit return, it separates it into another table. Thank for your help!
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    There's not really a way to do includes that I know of, although I'd love to have one myself. The code for some of my "pages": is pretty freaking hideous. If you use the monster tool over at "Dungeonmastering": though, they do have a special single line setup with Obsidian Portal, which may meet your needs. Not a fan of their formatting myself, but I'm "extra picky": about this stuff.

    As for comments, I haven't found a way to do them. Let me know if you do. :)
  • Tricen
    Posts: 2
    Ok, so I haven't yet found an answer to my original question. I HAVE, however, discovered how I can add "comments" in the code without it being displayed on the page. All I do is surround my comment with the ! symbol. Normally, when you surround a url with ! it will parse it as an image. However, if you just write a sentence that can't be parsed as a url, then it fails and displays nothing! Just make sure your comments have NO spaces in them. I do mine like so:

    ! This-is-my-comment ! (obviously delete the spaces before and after the text)

    Seems to work so far. Let me know if anyone runs into problems with this method.
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