Media Attachment Not Displaying in Adventure Log


I've attempted multiple times, but the image I've attached (from my campaign's media library) is showing up in the preview, but does not show up in the actual post.

Is there a way to get it to display?


  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    Hey @Neikron,

    I looked at your adventure log post and did some experimenting. I was able to take your source code of:

    <p><input alt="" src=""; style="border-width: 6px; border-style: solid; float: left; width: 375px; height: 281px;" type="image" />Here is some text beside an image. asifna sifna sfinasfoinasfoi nas aiosf naosfi nasfo inasf inasf oinasf oinasfoi nasfoi nasfoi nsfoin sfoinasfoi nasfioan sfoian sfoi ansfoin asfoi nasfoin asfoin asfoi ansfoian sfoia snfoiasn foia nsfoiasn foias nfoias nfasoi fnaso finasfoinasfoinasfoinas foinas foin.</p>

    and tweak it to being:

    <p><img alt="" src=""; style="border-width: 6px; border-style: solid; float: left; width: 375px; height: 281px;" />Here is some text beside an image. asifna sifna sfinasfoinasfoi nas aiosf naosfi nasfo inasf inasf oinasf oinasfoi nasfoi nasfoi nsfoin sfoinasfoi nasfioan sfoian sfoi ansfoin asfoi nasfoin asfoin asfoi ansfoian sfoia snfoiasn foia nsfoiasn foias nfoias nfasoi fnaso finasfoinasfoinasfoinas foinas foin.</p>

    With that I was able to see the imge in both the preview and the actual post.

    The curious thing for me is, where did the "input" part of your code come from? I used the editor button to embed an image and chose an image from my library via the "Tabbed Image Browser" bullet point interface. This produced an "img" tag rather than an "input" tag. Can you tell me what you did that produced an "input" tag for you?

    All the best,
    - Kallak
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