

  • feydras
    Posts: 9
    Is it possible to control spacing better? When hitting 'Enter' at the end of a line the next line just runs together with the previous. Is there a symbol that will prevent that? I'm not familiar with any code writing (not even html) but have been learning a bit of textile on your site. This seems to be a big thing missing, my players have commented on the frustration of it as well.

    The other side of spacing is sometimes i can't get a space line to seperate two lines or paragraphs and i can't figure out the rhyme or reason of it.

    Here is my PC sheet. Ideally, i'd like to take out a few of the spaces, for instance the space line between Advantages and Disadvantages but keep them listed on seperate lines.

    Also my table at the bottom is scrunched up underneath the items above it. I'd like to put a space between Total carried weight and Damage Reduction but it doesn't take.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    You can put < br/ > HTML tags in order to help out with spacing. For example:

    *Advantages* blah blah
    *Disadvantages* blah blah

    should end up looking like:

    *Advantages* blah blah
    *Disadvantages* blah blah

    Sorry if Textile/HTML is hard to use. We would like to add some buttons to allow for bolding, italics, and all that (TinyMCE or similar, to those that know). We just don't have the time...
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    bq. Sorry if Textile/HTML is hard to use. We would like to add some buttons to allow for bolding, italics, and all that (TinyMCE or similar, to those that know). We just don’t have the time…

    Understandable, but I really think this idea is worth keeping in mind. Even on sites that use common code like HTML, you tend to see some quick button functions for the basic stuff. I really think, given the frequency of these styles of requests, that this would be a GREAT feature to implement eventually.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    BTW: Feydras, your character already looks a ton better than any of mine :)
  • feydras
    Posts: 9
    Thanks! That was exactly what i was looking for. Looks like i'll have to check out html tags and try to learn a little bit. Any chance we could get a list of which exact HTML tags will work with the site or would that be too many.

    Thanks for the compliment on the character. Care to make it official and give him a rating? Also, check out the campaign site if you get a chance we are a new campaign and i am GM when i'm not playing.

    - feydras
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    feydras, give a look at for a complete, but short, list of allowed html tags and what they do.
  • Delf
    Posts: 2
    Hey all. I found this after some frustrating times with Textile. I was clicking on the P button on the toolbar to make new paragraphs. It worked once, but not with the subsequent lines. Instead, the p. was appearing as text. WTF? I tried typing the p. instead of the button, same thing. Anyway,
    works, but is there some way I can modify it to indent the line as well? The indent button's not working for me, either.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Textile is rather odd about the way it handles and requires line breaks. I've noticed that a lot of the textile code I've tried to use fails completely if it's not on a new line, and because Textile 'cleans up' the white space in what you input, that sometimes means you need to double up to get it to work. This also means that it's sometimes impossible to get a textile element in place _without_ a blank line before and/or after it. Given this, I've started using HTML for anything that isn't completely basic.

    From a development perspective, it looks to me like Textile could use an overhaul of its pattern matching for Textile codes, and a revamped what-you-see-is-what-you-get approach to line breaks. That's probably not realistic however, as it would alter the way that all existing pages are displayed.

    In the mean time, I'll just keep offering advice in HTML form. For example, to get an indented text block, try this:

    Your text here...

    You can adjust the padding value (20px) to whatever indent width appeals to you. The _style_ attribute allows you to do a ton of good stuff with even just the basic HTML tags allowed, just a matter of knowing how to do it.
  • Delf
    Posts: 2
    Thanks for the advice. That works, but what I'd like to do is just insert an indent, not the whole text block. Is there some way I can do that?
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Absolutely - sorry I misunderstood there. The _text-indent_ CSS property should get the job done for you:

    Your text here...
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