Formatting the adventure log email notification


Hello all,

I'm happy with the formatting options when I post adventure logs, but then the email that gets sent to my players contains the entire post, so it is likely they won't even click through to the website, and the formatting of the post in the email is terrible!

Specifically, the fact that there are no empty lines between paragraphs (nor indenting when I used the "div" command to try that), and single and double quotes are converted to an HTML code, drives me nuts.

Does anyone know how to make the email notification that comes from new adventure log posts have more readable formatting?

Thank you for your time!



  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    My guess is you are using the CkEditor, rather than the textile editor. I know with the textile editor the formatting it usually preserved fairly well with only minor issues.

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  • Talix
    Posts: 5

    Hi cgregory, thanks for the response!

    My parser and editor are both set to the default Textile (v4). Any other thoughts?

  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    Ok. You could try p tags for your indent

    <p style="text-indent:20px;">Graff ..... </p>

    instead of divs that might get you the formatting in the email closer to what you want.


    On a slightly different topic. If you generally use text-indent:20px in your adventure logs you might consider using

    .adventure-log-post p {

        text-indent: 20px;


    in your custom css that way you don't even need to add any tags in your adventure log posts, since every paragraph in your adventure logs will automatically have a text-indent of 20px unless you specify otherwise.

    Or if you only sometimes want an indent of 20px you could create a specific class of div that forces all paragraphs in it to create indents of 20px by doing the following

    Add to your adventure log

    <div class="Indent20">Enter all your adventure log post in here<div>

    Then add the following custom css

    .Indent20 p {

        text-indent: 20px;


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