Fantasy Age / Titans Grave


Hi All,

I am very new to Obsidian Portal and have just signed up to run a Fantasy Age / Titans Grave campaign for some friends.

Would anyone have any tips to add character sheets and maybe an alternative to using the wiki links pages as they never show up for me even when i put the [[    ]] at the beginning and end of each named page. It just shows up on the right as 'show all pages' and then the pages are not in alpha order and you cannot move them.

I want to add rules for the game and character creation process and I have all the pdf to get the info from but would like to assign each process its own page in a list to make it easier for all players.

Thanks in advance for reading this.


  • UselessTriviaMan
    Posts: 546

    Greetings Silv3rWolf, and welcome to Obsidian Portal. :-)

    I suspect you might need to switch your Default Editor from CkEditor to Textile (which I, and may other veteran users, recommend switching). To do so, go to your Settings page, then go to the Advanced tab. Make sure your Default Editor is set to Textile.

    This ought to make those brackets work exactly as they should. :-)

    Ptolus, City by the Spire - 2016 Campaign of the Year

    "Please pay attention very carefully, because this is the truest thing a stranger will ever say to you: In the face of such hopelessness as our eventual, unavoidable death, there is little sense in not at least TRYING to accomplish all your wildest dreams in life."  - - Kevin Smith

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