Is there a way to recover a deleted page?


I copied the contents of a page and then deleted it. Unfortunately due to some pasting/undoing I lost the copy from my clipboard.

When you delete a page it warns that it will get moved to the trash bin and then deleted after a few days. Is there any way to recover it from the trash bin? It's not a big deal if not, I only wanted to keep it around for legacy purposes. I looked around for the trash bin but couldn't find it.


  • Jim_Mount
    Posts: 162

    I would contact support as soon as possible. I know that old pages get saved when you have an ascendant account that you can roll back to if you mess up edits or whatever, so its possible that they can help you retrieve a deleted page.

    I do the same thing. I forget I have a ton of data on my clipbooard before .... oh shiny! and copy something else. Honestly, I wish older clipboard contents could be retrieved in OSes.

  • Ironeyes
    Posts: 21


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