[FIXED] Frustrated


  • mysterious_stranger
    Posts: 7
    I think you have a great idea, and I do like your site, I just have to rant about a couple of issues...

    I fell victim to the invite to an alternate email address issue. I just deleted my account thinking it would free up my username (it didn't). I created a new username which somehow is associated with my Yahoo OpenID (maybe from my other account and a cookie?). I got my invite, but it is frustrating that:

    - I can't have multiple emails on an account, or
    - I can't change my email address, so I have to create an account for every email address that friends use
    - I now have to put a 2009 on my login name because deleting my account did not free up the username (why not, since it can't be undone...)
    - Firefox on the Mac can't render your pages correctly (everything is way down at the bottom) but Safari 4 does...

    Add this to the fact that you can't back up your data after creating a campaign in a meaningful way...color me frustrated....grumble.
  • shidarin
    Posts: 11
    I am using firefox fine on a mac, v3.0.8.

    Haven't noticed anything strange yet.

    Would be super cool to be able to back up our campaigns to disk- maybe with a premium account- but I don't think thats possible with the way the wikis are setup.

    I think it would be even cooler to be able download and "client side" your campaign- so you don't need to be connected to the net during a game.. what happens if the internet is out?!
  • ryan
    Posts: 126

    I've dropped you a PM. If you want to change your username to not have the 2009 let me know and I'll get it switched.

    Also, as far as the email invites go. We recommend that either when you sign up you use the email address that was used on the invite and change it later or have the GM delete the initial invite and resend an new one with the correct email address.

    We're looking into backup options, we just haven't come up with a great way to format the data. If you have any suggestions how we can collect the Home Page, Wikis, Adventure Logs, Forums, and Maps in a way that would be sensible we're totally open for suggestions.

  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    I'd just export it to a .doc file. Maintain the same formatting, separate each tab into separate documents, set page-breaks per wiki page, forget about Maps because in order to upload them to the site the person already has to have a data backup of the map, etc.
  • mysterious_stranger
    Posts: 7
    Thanks. Sorry for ranting, it was just a stream of frustrations all at once, my dog was dying (finished today), all sorts of little problems, wasn't really thinking logically enough to troubleshoot.

    I fixed my Firefox issue, used another Mac to test and compared settings, finally just deleted my profile and started fresh. Probably something that was set long ago, so, apologies, that was all me.

    Actually, if I can just email you to fix, that would be sufficient.

    From my perspective, the only backup I want is the text of the Adventure Logs, Wikis, Home Page. Maps I would have anyway since I would have to upload them, and I'm skeptical about the discussion parts. I would be indifferent to the forums. All I want is text, I wouldn't care about formatting. If something like SiteSucker would do it without downloading your whole site, that would work for me as well. I'm open to solutions I can implement as well...this is only because I had another company go to the wayside after putting a bunch of work into something and all my stuff was gone.

    Again, thanks for all the responses, sorry for the rant.
  • ryan
    Posts: 126
    obatron, I've got your username changed.

    Hope things go better on the site for you now :)
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