Another Gaming Poll


The last poll seemed to garner some interest, so I figured I'd try another one.

Q1. I had asked my own group at one point and was surprised by some of the answers, so I figure I'll ask it here.

Q2. People might be interested in what software you use if you don't play in person.

Q3. One of the questions I've seen come up over the years is player interaction with the site.

Q4. Just interested in what the spread will be.

Some Gaming Questions
  1. Do you prefer GMing or being a Player?20 votes
    1. GM
    2. Player
    3. Both Equally
  2. How do you usually play?20 votes
    1. Live In Person
    2. Live but Not in Person (ie Video Conferencing)
    3. Play by Post
  3. What do players in your current campaign usually update on your campaign site?20 votes
    1. Nothing, GM usually updates everything
    2. Players only update their Character Sheets
    3. Players update Character Sheets and Adventure Logs
    4. Players update Character Sheets and Wiki
    5. Players update Adventure Logs and Wiki
    6. Players update Character Sheets, Adventure Logs and Wiki
  4. What is your favourite RPG genre?20 votes
    1. Contemporary Action/Adventure/Espionage/Military (ie GUMSHOE)
    2. Fantasy (ie D&D/Pathfinder)
    3. Historical/period (ie Aces & Eights)
    4. Horror (ie Call of Cthulhu)
    5. Humor/Satire (ie Paranoia)
    6. Sci-fi (ie Traveller)
    7. Superhero (ie Champions)
    8. Multi-genre/Cross-genre (ie Shadowrun)
    9. Universal genres (ie GURPS)
    10. Other (state in post)

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  • Johnprime
    Posts: 252

    I'm trying to get my players to do more on the portal, I have been only partially successful, which is why I selected that I do all the updates. I used to get them to post more on the personal websites I created for my games about 15 years or so ago, from the players updating character sheets, to posting campaign story logs, to commenting on the campaign logs I posted and the campaign wiki, but they aren't quite so interested in doing that anymore.

    I am considering bribing them in my next episodic one shot I am running, "A New York Nightmare" by giving them extra hero points if they will post things to that portal site.


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  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    My players update character sheets, adventure logs and wikis.

    Depending on the system, I'll provide rewards for adventure logs. For example, Shadowrun has a portion of the karma awards set aside for individuals actions that contribute to the group's enjoyment of the game. I apply this to writing adventure logs. In your case you use savage worlds for your deadwood deacon campaign, we awarded a benny for adventure logs when we did savage worlds so maybe that is a possibility.

    I think one of the other things that helps is I've stated that anything they wish to add into adventure logs or wiki gets added to the game. I think the ability to modify the campaign world is a significant reason as to why many of my players update obsidian portal so much. It gives them more of a feeling that it is their campaign world as much as it is mine. Or maybe this approach only works with my group.

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                       XCom: Defiance - Campaign of the Month November 2016



  • abu_is_evil
    Posts: 168

    Here is a great thread that used to be stickied on player involvement.


    Just trying to help out.

  • Jim_Mount
    Posts: 162

    My players usually post to the forum, and then request that I format and place on the site: but I'd rather they do it themselves. I do give out Fortune Points for involvement with the website, but they seem a little afraid of messing with what they percieve as "mine." I'm trying to break that idea to let them know that the site belongs to the group and encourage their own updates to the journal, especially in the form of in-character journals.

    A great feature would be a comment option for wiki entries like those on the journal pages. Also, another neat option would be the choice for the player avatar or the character avatar to appear on comments (kinda how Facebook allows you to post comments as either you or whatever fan-page you administer).

  • Johnprime
    Posts: 252

    I'm using Basic RolePlaying for my Deacon campaign now, but I have been giving out Fate Points during each session that are similar to Bennies. I think I'm going to start bribing them and give out Fate Points for activity on the Portal site.

    I'm also seriously considering giving out Hero Points when running The New York Nightmare games to get them to be more active with the Portal site. One thing that they did do when I was running the Centaurion Agency, they did help with coming up with about 50% of the NPCs for that game. I was very happy when they started suggesting various characters that they worked with so I would take a moment to create a new character during the game and that got them very involved during that game!

    I need to read that 'How to get your players involved' discussion and gleen any ideas from there.


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  • Abersade
    Posts: 422

    My players post to the forum, update their character sheets, and update their journal entries (which essentially serve as individual adventure logs), sometimes they update the wiki but usually only if I ask them to. They are as active as they are due to our RP Point system ( which is essentially bribery. Works well enough though. Some players just don't have the time or inclination, even with all the incentives you can think of.

    My favorite genre to work with is High Fantasy/Dark Fantasy with a splash of sci-fi thrown in for good measure. Not quite bleak enough for the Grimdark label, I've tried it and I just can't get the setting quite right for it.

    GM of Rise of the Durnskald: Wrath of the Fallen Goddess - February 2016 CotM

    GM of Core: The Ashes of Alcarna - April 2020 CotM

    GM of Stream of Kairos

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  • tsattert
    Posts: 2

    I would sometimes like my players to post their version of the adventure logs, I typically solicit notes from them and then I'll write it all up.

    I do enjoy playing, but I'm the primary GM in our group (another player GMs about a third of the time, and on of the other players just ran her first scenario last weekend) so I guess that's what I'm used to.

    We play almost exclusively superhero games (HERO System 5th Ed., but we don't play the sourcebook universe or characters, we have our own).


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