Your Gaming Group


This was mostly to test out the polling fuction of the forum, but I'm actually interested in what other gaming groups consist of.  My group has been a fairly constant 6-7 people with 3-4 GMs with a mix of male and female players over 30 of the 32 years I've been gaming. And that has been pretty constant even when I moved from city to city and needed to establish new gaming groups.

Gaming Group Demographics
  1. How many people are in your regular gaming group?26 votes
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    5. 5
    6. 6
    7. 7+
  2. How many game masters are in your group?26 votes
    1. I do all the GMing!
    2. 2, our group switches between two GMs
    3. 3, we have a GM trifecta!
    4. 4, we have a GM for each season
  3. Genders in the Group26 votes
    1. All male, we have heard of the mythical female gamer but have yet to find one
    2. A mix of male and female gamers
    3. All female, we are the Amazons of the gamer community

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                   XCom: Defiance - Campaign of the Month November 2016




  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047

    Actually, for my group, all 7 players are GMs. And all but 2 have GMd cmapaigns for the gorup, and those two only due to their inability to make every week.


  • Jim_Mount
    Posts: 162

    Might this poll be reworded to remove the gender-bias?

  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    Wow Keryth, haven't run into a group that big where everyone GMs. Assumng those two who cant make every week are interested in GMing have you thought about having one of your more regular GMs running a campaign's main story arc and the other two running side storylines? it is what we are trying out in our current campaign. seems to be working out quite well.

    They are among us!


                       XCom: Defiance - Campaign of the Month November 2016



  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    Might this poll be reworded to remove the gender-bias?

    Jim, polls can't be edited. As for gender bias, i assume you mean the bit about the mythical female gamer? It was added as a joke, since it was what one of our female players said when finding out she wasn't the only female player in the group. 

    They are among us!


                       XCom: Defiance - Campaign of the Month November 2016



  • Jim_Mount
    Posts: 162

    I realize that it was a joke, and probably that you don't understand why that section displays gender-bias. Which is why I didn't say it was sexist, or call you sexist. I'm sure you are a stand-up dude.

    But to start with:

    What difference does gender make? I ask because you didn't inquire about ethnicity, sexual preference, or any other potential self-identifier.

    You refer to women as "females." Just, please don't do that. We are humans, not specimens. Women and men. Thank you.

    There are more than the genders than you listed involved in gaming.

    Are you familiar with the male gaze? The last section reeks of it. It's either "where are the girls at" or "whoa! look at all those girls!"


  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    No offense Jim, but I think you're making something out of nothing.

    The poll was clearly (and stated to be) an innocent test of the new forum feature with a few tongue in cheek jokes that harken back to the traditional nerd culture that tabletop gaming came up from. No need to get the soap box out, we're all friends here.

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • LightningPrincess
    Posts: 4 edited July 2016

    You probably should have had more options for number of GMs. Our group has one but its not me. 

    As for the genders thing, ugh. Can we not fall back on creeper stereotypes? I've been in an all women group. We weren't amazons and women who are gamers are not mythical. I get that you probably didn't mean offense but I have to agree it was a little eye rolly. You're probably not a bad person, but I am just trying to offer some feedback. 

    Post edited by LightningPrincess on
  • Jim_Mount
    Posts: 162 edited July 2016
    I think non-heterosexual males, women, and transgendered individuals have had enough of "innocent... tounge in cheek" jokes about who is and isn't a "traditional" nerd.
    Post edited by Jim_Mount on
  • LightningPrincess
    Posts: 4

    Keep in mind folks there is kind of an ugly history about gate keeping and who gets to be a true geek,its a minor thing for me and certainly not the worst thing ever that I've experienced as a queer woman gamer but calling us mythical and amazons sounds a little insensitive even if you didn't mean it (and I am sure you didn't.)

    Protip: you may want to avoid the term "female" as a noun. i.e. "females" since it sounds like something a Ferenghi from Star Trek would say. 

  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    i'll be sure to tell my wife that she is a specimen next time she refers to herself as female. As for telling me that i shouldnt be using female or male, you should perhaps look up the survey best practices, it suggests male and female rather than men women. But what do they know, they just use the best practices from governments and international organizations. And while i knew of their best practices, the main reason i used male and female is because men and women refer to adults while male and female isn't age based.

    As to why i added gender, because my wife asked for it to be added when i told her that i was testing out the poll functions by asking some questions about gaming groups. She was interested in seeng how many other groups contained women in them. Why didn't i add more genders, because this was a test of the polling function meant for quick fun rather than serious data collection. 

    So as i understand it, you are saying my wife's question reeks of the male gaze.  The one question posed by a woman. Honestly, Jim you seem way too caught up in being politically correct.

    They are among us!


                       XCom: Defiance - Campaign of the Month November 2016



  • LightningPrincess
    Posts: 4

    Let's just let it go. I really don't want this to turn into a debate. 

  • Jim_Mount
    Posts: 162

    Quite right. I've been accused of trying to be "politically correct." I mean, that deflects any and all criticism of insensitivity and wins the argument right? What can I do but bow out gracefully?

  • weasel0
    Posts: 435

    I have an idea: I'm gonna go join a forum and start telling the people who've been there for ages how to do things and then tell them they're jerks for being defensive.

  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047

    Well, to answert your question CGrtegory, my group relaly has no interest in something like that. We've been gaming weekly now since 91, and other than that first D&D Campaign (which ran for like 3 yrs), we've had each GM run for like 6-18 months, then their campaign wqraps up, GM's who want to run (and are eligible. Must wait two games after yours ends to give others a chance) pitch their systems and campaign ideas, and we vote. Winner in the next Campaign and GM.

  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,012

    I enjoyed the poll and was genuinely interested in the results.  I'm sure cgregory meant no offence.  As Kallak said, "We're all friends here!"   However, it's no bad thing to point out the underlying effects of language that we sometimes all take for granted.  I think that seems to have been well highlighted, so now we can continue with that friendship.    cool

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  • wsemaan
    Posts: 1

    Jim, seems like you have a double standard.  You come down on Cgregory for using the word female and making an obvious joke in a test poll and then post a OOTS comic in the blog thread that calls a woman a bitch.


  • Jim_Mount
    Posts: 162 edited July 2016

    Quite true. I don't hold fictional characters to the same standards as I do real people. There is a difference between an author's voice and the voice of a character. The author makes Haley look like a badass, which is cool! Anyway, we're not debating this anymore. I said my piece, I'm aware that it was a joke and merely pointed out that we, all of us, should check our language for inclusiveness. The gamer community isn't a boy's club these days and I think we all know where we are coming from. I hope you understand and that "gotcha" games don't serve anyone. Thanks and have a great one!

    Post edited by Jim_Mount on
  • ketherian
    Posts: 203 edited July 2016

    I responded with the information regarding the game I run (HarnMaster).

    For the other games I'm currently in:

    In a Certain Realm55/02/3
    SteamPunk fantasy62/42/4

    1. This and all subsequent counts includes the GM.

    2. This counts the number of people currently GM'ing other campaigns but playing in this campaign; none of us "switch off" or trade places.

    I have run only one all-female campaign. It was an intentional thing and was more of a beer-and-pretzels/blow off steam game than anything remotely serious. It was fun, but according to my SO, we broke most of the steriotypes. devil

    Post edited by ketherian on
  • Abersade
    Posts: 422

    Our group has two GMs, myself and Obison (well, and a third who GM's but not for our group as of yet). Rise of the Durnskald has a single GM, me. There are two women in our group and five men, ages range from around mid-20's to I think around 40-45 (honestly not sure how old our oldest member is).

    GM of Rise of the Durnskald: Wrath of the Fallen Goddess - February 2016 CotM

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  • Johnprime
    Posts: 252

    Figured I'd finally post our groups make up. Actually, while most of the group has gamed together at one time or another, I'm actually playing/running with 3 different groups, made of up some members of each of the groups.

    The game I run every other Wednesdays, I'm the current GM and have been running the current campaign since December 2013. I've had players join and leave for various reasons. There are currently 5 players and myself in that group.

    On the 1st and 3rd Saturday's of the month, I play/run with a different group, as I said above, some of those players have played with members from the Wednesday night group. Four of the players share the GM role, with us running short one shot campaigns.

    On the 4th Saturday of the month, I run a game with 1 of the players from the Wednesday night group and 5 players who have not played with other members from the other Saturday group. I've been running that game since November of 2014.


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