Anyone else struggling with image embed?

edited June 2016 in General Discussion
Hey all!

I'm updating one of my wikis and I might have encountered an issue with a new change. In the process of placing a picture on the page via the "Image Embed" command, it gave me a click or drag prompt to do so. Having not encountered this in quite the same way in the past, I dutifully did so but found no "OK" or other command to complete the process.

Is anyone else having the same problem?



  • Kallak
    Posts: 68
    Are you having issue with the image not uploading via the drag/click interface, or having issue with the image not embedding? I tried it out on my own test campaign and everything seems to be working solid for me.
  • Brandonsweet
    Posts: 13
    I'm getting an "an error has occurred, try again" message when I try to upload images to my wiki using the image embed command - it happens whether I drag an image in or upload it.
  • Haligaunt
    Posts: 3
    I'm having no trouble dragging an image onto into the box as requested. I just can't seem to go any further from there. Am I missing something obvious?
  • saethone
    Posts: 13 edited June 2016
    Ok, I think I see what's going on, having just gone through the process to figure out what you meant.

    When you click embed image, you get a popup with an box at the top that says drag image here to upload right? When you drag an image up there that doesn't put it on the wiki page you're editing, that just adds it to your media library. You should see a thumbnail of the image come up below your click/drag box there, indicating it successfully was added to your library. To add it to your actual wiki page that you're editing, you need to click on the thumbnail in your library. Then to the right it will show you a large version of the image, and below it you'll have the button to "insert" it to the page (which will close out the popup and add the code for the image). there are also a couple of options for alignment and size you can tweak in the same spot.

    Check it out and let me know if thats what you're getting and if that helps.

    "Endurance of Hope": - Age of Rebellion

    "Age of the Dragons": - Homebrew Fantasy
    Post edited by saethone on
  • Haligaunt
    Posts: 3
    Hello, there.

    Thanks for the response. OK, After dragging the image into the box, I have the following: the image sits in the box and underneath I have the words File Library and 7 thumbnails listed 1-7 (obviously) through which I cannot browse. I do not get a thumbnail indicating that it is in my library, although having checked the library (which I was unaware of previous to your post. Thanks!) I can upload it there, at least temporarily. Unfortunately, I'm still stuck. What I don't understand is how to get the File Library thumbnails to open. Am I still missing something?

    On a separate issue that occurs, does anyone know if the Media Library will have (or does have) a search function? Scrolling through dozens of images on multiple pages isn't terribly efficient...
  • Kallak
    Posts: 68
    The media library just came out with the last site update, so it's still being put through the paces to some degree. Might be feature request material to have a search.
  • OPSupport
    Posts: 93
    Depending on the content type, the media library may or may not support preview. For example, as of today video files do not have first-frame video preview, documents do not display first page, etc. and instead show a generic icon.
  • weasel0
    Posts: 435

    I know this topic isn't related ot the forum roll out but the Title applies so:


    Is textile now dead on the forums? All of the images linked are now...not(particularly in the Cognative Association thread). I'll keep looking around but also that would mean that the bc. code and bq. coding and all is now defunct.

    Just want to know methodology to post going forward. :)

  • OPSupport
    Posts: 93

    In regards to the question on Textile, I replied on the relevant thread here:

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