Character requests

edited February 2016 in Feature Requests
I have few request about characters

In the Quick Description field for characters it would by nice if it was possible to link to another character/item/wiki, just like in the actual description

It would be nice if you could add tags of a character to their as an data tag, this could be very useful for custom css styling depending on tags.

It would be really useful if the searching for tags was more in depth
Say for an example i have a racial tag for Human, Dwarven and Elven, but also have tags for Warrior and Mage, it would be awesome if i could select "Human Mage" and it would return all characters whom are Human and are Mages.
Or if i selected "Human Dwarven Warriors" it gave me all characters whom are Warriors and either Human or Dwarven instead of it selecting all character whom are either Human, Dwarven or Warriors.
Also if there was someway to avoid a tag, so for an example if i were to select "Mage -Elven" it would give me all Mages whom are not Elven


  • Abersade
    Posts: 422
    Generally Tags work in either an additive or subtractive manner; additive meaning that more results are shown as you add tags; subtractive meaning less results are shown as you add tags. It would be great if it worked in a subtractive manner (it does not currently).

    I bring this up because your "Human Dwarven Warriors" example would be very difficult to set up as it utilizes both ways of using tags. Really, this would require a total rewrite of not only how tags work but the search feature in general. Still, some adjustments could really be useful.

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  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Typically the way that the and/or logic issue is solved in search is with some simple additional search logic. The default logic in the existing search is or, so in this case that would mean adding an operator (like the - operator suggested for filtering out certain results) to do an "and" instead. Typically what you'd see is something like "Human+Warrior Elven+Warrior", or "Warrior! Human Elven" where the ! indicates that Warrior is required in all matches. This would be handy functionality to have for campaigns with large numbers of characters and wiki pages, for sure.
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