Request: Forum improvements

edited February 2009 in Feature Requests


  • cyranicles
    Posts: 1
    I am ecstatic about the addition of campaign forums and I will probably create an account soon in order to run a play by post game on this site. I have one problem though. I don't know what the forum's features are because there isn't yet a preview or thorough explanation of what can be done with the forum. So, my ignorance noted, here's what I'd like to see added to the campaign forums.

    Colored text-ideally from a popout menu like that found in Microsoft Word or Giant in the Playground Forums. You know, the kind where you highlight text, click the color options box to make the palette pop up, then select the desired color.

    A dice roller- So long as I know who rolled the dice I'll be happy. Using code to generate the roll would be fine though another popup box somewhere along the border of the page would also work well. I know that conceptually, this site wasn't meant for play-by-post but that is what would make it the ultimate gaming resource for me. My friends live all over the country so a slick site like this with an integrated wiki would be PERFECT for our games.

    Anyone else have ideas to improve the campaign forums?
  • Bathlarper
    Posts: 41
    it would be helpful if the threads showed up who updated last as well as when the update happened. Also as the campaign GM I'd like some moderator priveliges built in like the ability to lock and delete old threads.
    Other than that I think they work well. I'm not sure how they'd do for a PbP game, they might be to bare bones but they work very well for organising a gaming group. The email notifacation feature is particularly useful.
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