Forums... yay....

edited February 2009 in General Archive


  • JamesHazelton
    Posts: 6
    When I checked my campaign's page today I noticed the new feature: personal campaign forums. I was intrigued until I tried to make a thread; it turns out it's for premium members only. I won't begrudge the good folks at OP for adding enticement for paid membership, but I do hope that, after this initial announcement period, the ugly little non-functioning tab disappears from sight for those of us who can't use it.

    For the record, while I'm talking about the issue, I would like to mention why I'm not a paid subscriber and why I likely never will be: I don't like the idea of having to pay a fee every month for the rest of my life or else lose the features I have gotten used to. That's part of the reason I haven't subscribed to DDI either. However, I almost certainly would make a one-time twenty or thirty dollar donation if it meant I got the membership benefits for life. I have donated to other websites in the past (such as Animal Crossing Community) that use that sort of "subscription" model.
  • Charsen
    Posts: 85
    While I think a forum would be cool for some gaming groups, I don't think any of my groups are chatty enough online to use it. I had to bribe them to leave comments. :(
  • DarthKrzysztof
    Posts: 132
    This feature came out the week my campaign ended. :D

    Fortunately I'm starting a new one...
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    My group wouldn't use them. My first Florimel campaign, maybe - we did a lot of discussion over email between sessions. Well, half of us did at least. Now only two of us chatterboxes are in the new campaigns, so not so much.

    What's been happening with the Vale is that Florimel is having private email exchanges with people, and then we're concatenating them and posting them in the Adventure Log.
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