Linking from a Wiki page to the NPCs tab


  • sleepyjonnie
    Posts: 7
    Is it possible to link from a wiki page to an NPC page in the same campaign? For instance say you have a wiki page for a group (i.e. the FBI). I'd like to have a list of FBI personnel on that page with links to an entry for each agent in the NPC area.

    Does that question make sense, and can it be done?
  • blackmage88
    Posts: 1
    When you're making the FBI page, look to the right hand side of the screen. Beneath the Wiki Syntax Help box there should be a box titled PC/NPC Link Lookup. Choose the NPC you want from the drop-down list and then copy and paste the text that appears. Viola, a link to the NPC's page in your wiki!
  • sleepyjonnie
    Posts: 7
    Excellent! Thank you! Is there a way to make a similar link in the NPC page to point back to the group?
  • bevinflannery
    Posts: 114
    It can be done -- the drop down lookup is the easiest way to do it. Back in the old days, when we had to walk up hill both ways to school, through the snow, fighting off grizzlies with our notebooks, it was done (and still be done) differently.

    It's easiest if, in creating the NPC, you use a nickname or short version of the name in the "URL-friendly name" box. The system assigns a numeric identification for each NPC; this box lets you use something easier. For example, one of the lead NPCs in my campaign, "The Weight of Rubies": is named "Arkus.": No surname, so I simply typed "arkus" in the URL-friendly name box when I created the NPC. Now, whenever I want to link to him in a Wiki or adventure log, I can simply type in (without spaces and quotation marks) "[ [ : Arkus ] ]".

    The catch with this method as well as with the drop-down menu is that you may want the displayed text with the link (i.e., what appears as the high-lighted clickable text in your wiki) to be something other than the shorthand URL-friendly name. Let's say I wanted to instead have the link be on the word "leader" in a clause that reads "the leader of the free nation "Torei": and former slave of the Big Bad Evil Guy "Dembrosi Shal Antazos":" In the Wiki, I would type (again, without the spaces) that as "[ [ : Arkus | leader ] ]". Similarly, if I wanted to add a link to the BBEG's name, I would have typed in "[ [ : dembrosi | Dembrosi Shal Antazos ] ]". The readers will see only the words that appear after the "|" rather than the shorthand text used for the link.

    If you click on the link to "Torei" in the paragraph above, you'll actually see how Arkus's name is linked -- click on his name where high-lighted and it will take you to his NPC tab.

    I could make this more confusing upon request.
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