showcase page for art and dnd trophy mounts

edited August 2015 in Campaign Portal Building
Our pages are meant for logging our adventures , obviously, but are we allowed to set up a log/blog for DND arts and crafts?

I ask this because I have been building some wicked terrain, and dungeons set ups after splurging at hobby lobby last month. I have made a docen pieces so far from old ruins to waterfall scenes from houses to plant life.

My fiance started playing about a year ago, in my homebrew campaign we are still playing weekly, and she has been making miniature clay figures for half a decade or so, lately she makes props for my dungeons, creatures from monster manuals, and even little PC minis. Now she is working on a legit dragon head that is being applied on a trophy mount to hang on the wall of our dungeon room. (Yes. Dungeon room. We and the other players have all been investing into it over the last few months and its pretty awesome so far)

Anyways, we have all this stuff now. Everyone who sees the creations whether they play or not love what we do, and I want to share it, maybe get requests and soon be selling stuff online (via facebook or something) but I feel that Obsidian Portal would be an awesome place to get critiqued and get advice/request etc.

So can I set up a campaign page (quick example: dungeons and crafting) and set up adventure logs of stuff we are making as they get completed, which would be fairly regularly, we get quite a bit done in a short time.


  • Unknown
    Sure thing, there are many examples of campaigns that are not geared towards recapping or logging a campaign. We have NPC repositories out there, plot hooks, CSS assistance onces, etc. So, if you want one to show off the things you do that are RP related, I can't see any harm in that.
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