Setting a Co-GM

edited August 2015 in Campaign Portal Building
I'm sure to everyone else this is so intuitively obvious as to be a stupid question to even bring up... but...

How in the heck do I set a co-GM?? I mean, like, what specifically do I need to do and where do I do it??



  • Unknown
    You go into the Settings of the Campaign, go to the Players tab, and then shift the permission for any particular players. The differences in the settings are as follows:

    *Player:* Can see any of the public info and any Player Secrets that they have been tagged in. The can edit most public pages.
    *Co-GM:* Can see GM only information as well as edit it, and can see all Player Secrets. Also all lower options.
    *GM:* Can access the Settings for a Campaign. Also all lower options.

    So, depending on what you need people to be able to do will determine how you want to set things.
  • Veilheim
    Posts: 13
    Yep, just as stupid simple as I knew it would be... Thanks again, Alex!
  • Unknown
    Not a problem, easier to find something when you already know where it is.
  • TrentinBergeron
    Posts: 2
    So, can you promote multiple Co-GMs?
  • Veilheim
    Posts: 13
    Yes, yes you can.
  • TrentinBergeron
    Posts: 2
    That is awesome sauce.
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