Campaign Forum Customization

edited August 2015 in Campaign Portal Building
Hi guys... I haven't seen or heard much said about this, and I notice most people seem to have turned their forums off (e.g., hidden them). But, I thought I would ask the question -- has anyone done any customization within their campaign forums to make them less "modern" looking? I'm guessing there's not a lot available, but I thought I would ask at least. If you have done some mods, care to share?



  • Unknown
    While I haven't done much tweaking to this area (if any, I don't recall offhand), I don't think it would be too much more work than any other area of your page as the custom CSS still runs on the back end pages. Was there anything in particular you were hoping to do, I could probably try to whip something up for you.

    "Dragon Age: Requiem":
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    I'm not sure as many people have them "turned off" as you think.

    If you are not a member of the site, you can't see the forums.

    For example you can't see mine... "Unconquered Kingdoms": but I do not have them turned off or hidden.
  • Veilheim
    Posts: 13
    @SkidAce, yes, you're right... so it's harder to tell what is and isn't possible with forums. Have you made mods to yours? Any chance I could come see?

    @Alex_redeye -- well, really I just want to make it look somewhat similar to the rest of my site. Right now, it's a very "modern" jolt to what is trying to be a decidedly non-modern looking site. Candidly, I'm not even aware of what might be possible because I haven't seen any others. I've mostly only ever run my own stuff (and only a little bit) here on OP.

    Hope that helps... thoughts appreciated!
  • Unknown
    Well, in theory there is a lot one could potentially do to the back end of the system as I mentioned. For my purposes the modern look has always been fine since the Forums and Calendar are not things that are used at the table (and so thus do not need to evoke the feeling of the game world). I could certainly see some benefits to doing that on a game that was going to be PbP since the Forums would become an integral part of the game world itself.

    Since it sounds like you want a sweeping change, it would probably take a bit of time and experimentation to get things working out right. My suggestion on this would be to make a test campaign (heck, call it Forum Tests), and basically only fiddle with the forum CSS for the time being. That way once you have everything working as you want it you can wholesale C&P the information from one campaign to the other. You could even feel free to invite me to said campaign and I could try and throw you some assistance when I am able to (my workload has increased quite a bit here recently, so free time for side projects will be less than normal). Might even be able to convince a couple other folks here to pop on it with you and try some things out.
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830 {background-image: url(; padding: 5px; }@

    Will change the post content area to an image. (Paste that line into your custom CSS, please replace the image address with one of your own choosing, as I received permission to use it.)

    Now you will notice it didn't change everything, only one section. Right click and choose Inspect Element (at least in Chrome) to see the div's for the other sections.

    I am just a hack, anything more complicated than that I would have to bow to others expertise.
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