Incorporating CSS into a portion of an article?


  • decoytph
    Posts: 1
    I just joined today and went about creating an NPC from a campaign of mine. What I'm looking to do is to format a table on that article's page so that it conforms closer to the new D&D 4E Stat Blocks. I use a program called "Monster Maker": to create my NPCs and monsters, and it conveniently exports HTML and uses a CSS file to format it in a similar way to the stat blocks. I can grab the HTML and copy/paste that easily enough into the article but without the CSS, it doesn't look very good.Is there any hope or am I up a creek?
  • mkerr
    Posts: 1
    Did you ever figure this out? I'm trying to solve the same problem.
  • Charsen
    Posts: 85
    That might be hard to incorporate because the system here uses textile and only some HTML for security/simplicity. If you post your code then maybe someone can help you modify it so it can mostly show up though. This looks mostly translatable to textile, so it's worth a shot.

    If push comes to shove, you could just link the screenshot of it in your NPC's page. : /
  • Lironah
    Posts: 5
    You can modify your pages by using inline CSS rather than the external sheet or placing the CSS in the header. Here's an example of a page with internal CSS:

    The trick is, you have to know what you're doing with your CSS. The syntax for adding it inline is *style="*property1*:* setting1*;* property2*:* setting2*"* etc, all within a tag like or . A good webpage to learn what properties you can change is
  • Lironah
    Posts: 5
    Sorry, that bold didn't take very well: style="property1: setting1; property2: setting2”
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