Mouseover or text highlight

edited July 2015 in Campaign Portal Building
I need some way to differentiate between text links that are vertically arranged one after the other. Long text wraps inside the tables so they're not one line each, making it hard to tell where one link starts and begins at a glance. I'd like each individual link to be highlighted by mouseover in some manner. How would I accomplish that?


  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530 edited July 2015
    This is a snap to do by using the :hover selector in your campaign's CSS.

    If you've got a big block of links, the easiest way is to create a container _span_ tag to put your links in, give it a class, and then add the appropriate selectors to your custom CSS. Like so:


    First Link
    Second Link
    Third Link


    bc. .linklist a:hover{

    If you have any questions about how that all works, or how to customize it, don't hesitate to ask.
    Post edited by ChainsawXIV on
  • DDK
    Posts: 22 edited July 2015
    Thanks but I'm really confused about how that works with Textile. If there wasn't Textile in the mix, I could do this myself without any assistance. It's the stupid Textile markup that makes it all so difficult to figure out.

    EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out. Thanks.
    Post edited by DDK on
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