Posting new dynamic character sheet, question

edited June 2015 in Campaign Portal Building
Hi, brand new to the forums, and I figured 'Help and Tips' was the best place to ask this.

I have created a dynamic character sheet for a game I'm part of and I'd like to submit it to test with our campaign. Since I'm new to the community, I don't know if submitting an alpha version to test with our group is considered a social faux pas here. Could anyone enlighten me to if this is looked on poorly?


  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    The ideal course of action is to put it in the system, but not submit it until you're reasonably sure it works. It won't be usable by your group, but as its author, you'll be able to take it for a test drive just as if it were a fully fledged sheet.

    Once you're reasonably sure that everything looks right, go ahead and submit it, and it should get approved in short order. If you find issues after that, you can fix them and resubmit, no fuss, no muss, but you should do at least an initial pass before releasing it into the wild.
  • yarhouse
    Posts: 4
    Awesome, thank you for that insight!
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