PCs have a PC editable space on all pages

edited January 2009 in Feature Requests


  • Chgowiz
    Posts: 7
    I'm starting a campaign in the vein of the "West Marches" sandbox (see ars ludi).

    One of the things that made his campaign work was players trading/sharing information. If a party went to the Dismal Murk and found a new place, they might make notes and share them (or mislead others) so that they could go back later or possibly allow other people to go.

    It occurs to me that if I'm using the wiki to document places and races, the players may wish to make notes or add information as they learn more about the place/race. Having a spot so that the players could edit, just as there's a GM-only spot, would be a nice touch and allow the players to become part of relating the richness of the campaign from their eyes - not just in the adventure logs!

    -- Chgowiz
  • bevinflannery
    Posts: 114
    I thought that players were already able to edit the Wiki pages -- I can do that in the campaigns where I am a player (just tested it) and I think the players can do it in the campaigns where I am the GM.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Player characters can edit all wiki pages, and any NPCs or Items that are added to the campaign after they are. (I don't think the latter is intentional, and I haven't experimented again since the revamp, but it is an observed phenomenon.)
  • Chgowiz
    Posts: 7
    Does it help enough to *edit* pages instead of deleting/recreating? I have put forth a ton of info "pre-game" and there is the possibility of adding new players after the game starts.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    I'm not sure I understand the question "does it help enough". But I'll reiterate that stuff created as part of the wiki, rather than via the "Characters" or "Items" tabs or the NPC tracker, are editable at any time. The problem with deleting and recreating characters, items and NPCs is that when you re-create them, they'll be assigned new database slot numbers, and if you've referenced them in your wiki pages, the links may break. If you still need to do it for any reason, the best way to work around this issue is to always create a "slug" - always type in a URL-friendly name, and put THAT after the double left bracket and colon when referencing the NPC/item in question.
  • Chgowiz
    Posts: 7
    I'm inferring from your response that I shouldn't use the NPC tracker to list NPCs, rather I should have them as straight wiki entries?

    Thank you for the responses.
  • Chgowiz
    Posts: 7
    Just to follow up - I created a test account with a character and joined the campaign. I was able to edit any wiki pages and NPC pages. So I think I'm good. Thank you for the help.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Yeah, sorry if that wasn't clear. Permissions are very relaxed in order to encourage participation. So, in most cases, players have as much control as the GM (ability to create, edit, delete and so forth), but just can't see the "GM only" stuff.
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