Old character sheet templates

edited November 2013 in Campaign Portal Building
Hi my roommate is trying to set up a Dragon Age campaign and she remembers there was a character sheet template for it on the old site setup. But now we have no idea how to find those old templates or make a custom one. CSS is a complete mystery to us.



  • madartiste
    Posts: 328
    Are you referring about the dynamic character sheets that you could choose from a dropdown menu before? They're still there. Just make sure, under settings in your dashboard page, that you have the "Game System" set to whatever system you are playing (you can find the dropdown underneath "campaign status" on the right side). Then, when you make a character, there should be a dropdown box underneath the "quick description" field that says "Dynamic Style Sheet" above it. The dropdown box should give you a list of any DST's available for that system.

    If you're talking about a different template, please excuse me. I'm not sure of any other templates for that particular system.
  • Fealin_Spiritsong
    Posts: 2
    Yes that's what I'm talking about. We'll look for it again but didn't see a Dragon Age sheet in the drop down. And could have sworn there was one there before, so ... yea, we're confused.
  • madartiste
    Posts: 328
    I didn't find one listed either when I switched my test campaign to Dragon Age RPG. I think that means that there isn't one. I'm not aware that they removed any templates, but it's possible they did for whatever reason. Sorry I can't be more helpful.
  • Orasa
    Posts: 3
    Aw damn. Would there be any way to request that someone build one? Because I don't know anything about CSS templates at all, and it would be nice to have one that's more than just text

    I'm the DM by the way, hi
  • madartiste
    Posts: 328
    I'm... actually not sure. I've never tried to make one either. I'm not sure who you would talk to. I think most of them have been made by obsidian portal users. Maybe just post a request in the general discussion forum?
  • Orasa
    Posts: 3
    Okay thanks I'll try that
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113
    All of the available DSTs (approved or not) are listed here, and you can view the code as examples: https://www.obsidianportal.com/dynamic_sheet_templates

    I don't see a Dragon Age game - just a Dragon Warriors one and some Pendragon ones.

    I have made two - based heavily off of one of Langy's sheets because the sheet was laid out the way I liked and could easily change and add to.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    And for what it's worth, they're all made by users.
  • SSveter
    Posts: 37
    I have an HTML and CSS coded character sheet for cyberpunk that I use on Roll20.

    How can I get that set up as my dynamic character sheet for OP?
  • Unknown
    I just found it easier (at least with DA:RPG) to just hand develop the page. I don't know the Dynamic Sheet system at all, and haven't invested the time into learning it as that would just be even more on my plate. If you have Ascendant I can probably help you setup some CSS to be able to make the page look pretty good and have all the details you need listed on it for that game system.

    I need to update my public CSS page sometime too for people who are interested (as one could in theory steal the whole thing and use my Campaign Page as a template to build up there own page). Anyways, if anyone running DA:RPG is interested in the offer of some assistance just hit me up.

    "Dragon Age: Requiem":https://dragon-age-requiem.obsidianportal.com/
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