Just signed up

edited March 2015 in Player Lounge
Found this page and thought I'd fill in some information.
I started playing OD&D in 1977. Started DMing shortly afterwards and haven't looked back.

Only play AD&D 1/1.5 (with the Unearthed Arcana mods).
I have been running the same campaign (with different characters, as each group of characters hits the high 'teens, I retire them and start a new group) since 1984.

Found this site through Stack Exchange and so far I like it and so do my players.

However, I don't like the way they implement the procedure to become an Ascendant member.
Really? Using a Popup to ask for CC information in 2015? (Sorry, but I'm in information security in the real world and that is just amazing.)

I sent a letter to the administrators but it seems like I will be purchasing a PrePaid card to do the upgrade.


  • ketherian
    Posts: 203
    Hi JoeSchmoe998.
    Welcome to the site.

    Folk have complained that the support staff are ... difficult to get a hold of.
    General complaints to this situation seem to be culminating in the "launch feedback":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=3394&page=20#Item_14 thread.
    If email generates nothing, you can always use the "bug tracking system":http://help.obsidianportal.com/
    I don't work for the site, so this is just my opinion.

    "Signs & Portends":https://swtwc.obsidianportal.com
  • Bortas
    Posts: 645
    Welcome aboard! I'd echo what Ketherian said, but.... I'd also like to add that the community of users here is truly exceptional!

  • Unknown
    As a web developer who also knows a deal on security I am curious to your aversion to popups to obtain the CC info (this is not that uncommon, and that data can still be encrypted and transmitted safely)? Granted, there is no reason not to grab a pre-paid card to cover the transaction, but that sentiment just struck me as a bit odd.

    Either way, welcome to OP and the Community!

    "Dragon Age: Requiem":https://dragon-age-requiem.obsidianportal.com/
  • Bortas
    Posts: 645
    Often popups don't have an address bar, so you can't see whether or not it's secure? That was where my mind went, anyway.

    "Morwindl": https://morwindl.obsidianportal.com
  • Unknown
    I suppose I can dig that.

    "Dragon Age: Requiem":https://dragon-age-requiem.obsidianportal.com/
  • joeschmoe998
    Posts: 73
    I probably should have responded to this a year ago, but I never saw an email indicating that someone responded to it.
    My issue with popups and security is what @Bortas said above. No way to tell if the popup is pointed to the site, no way to be sure if it's secure.

    I would personally suggest, if a popup is absolutely required, to ensure that an address bar is there so security and location can be verified, otherwise, adding a tab to the browser or just having it in the main browser window would be more reassuring that the payment is heading where it is supposed to be heading.
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