Character preview

edited March 2015 in Campaign Portal Building
There is one character on my Character's page whose picture won't show up. I am tried a number of different things and can't figure it out. "Here": is the site.

I have change the picture, tried the picture on another entry. I have changed the slug and changed the character's name but nothing. Any thoughts would be appreciated as I am still pretty new with this.



  • Bortas
    Posts: 645
    I see you are using the same character template I am - did you remember to change the CSS code to include the picture?

  • hallnatec
    Posts: 9
    I am using the same, but I did remember to change the CSS code. I even changed it for another character and it worked but for some reason it doesn't work for that particular box.
  • hallnatec
    Posts: 9
    I am thinking it might be the font or the special characters in the character's name. Has anyone else seen problems with this code and odd characters?
  • Bortas
    Posts: 645
    It's the special characters, almost for certain, the font is not a factor. Maybe, just maybe, this is the ticket to use in your CSS: Scoláire de Báirseach

  • Unknown
    I have heard of people mentioned that accents and the sort do seem to cause some issues on pages, though that seems like a rather odd issue to be caused by that (but looking things over I am almost certain it is). From what I can tell, since you would need to include the accents in the CSS as well to make it trigger based on the design of that layout I have a feeling that OP is not processing content with accents from the custom CSS file. When looking at your page I can see that particular character shows no computed CSS to link it to the background image like all of the other characters do, so I can only assume that boils down to the accents on the characters somehow. But, also looking at your custom CSS file I see that it shows the title is in there without the accents, so it could just be that. Try changing this:

    .game-content-image[title="scoliredebirseach"] + .character-info {background-image:url(;}

    To this:

    .game-content-image[title="Scoláire de Báirseach"] + .character-info {background-image:url(;}

    That might fix the problem, but I am not entirely confident of that. Worth a shot at least.

    "Dragon Age: Requiem":
  • hallnatec
    Posts: 9
    Thanks everyone, Alex was totally correct. I don't know why I was thinking that the stub was needed there when all the rest were the title names. Dumb. I need more sleep. Thanks for the help.
  • Unknown
    Well, I am really glad to know that the accents didn't cause the issue here. You may want to do a little digging to see if you can track down some of the posts/tickets that talk about the issues with those (I recall seeing some things mentioned in a few instances, just don't recall the specifics as it has not been something used on my campaign thus far). And no worries on the lack of sleep and coding results, I know exactly how that goes which is why getting a fresh perspective can be so important.

    Speaking of sleep, haven't done that in 1.5 days so I should probably consider getting around to it.

    "Dragon Age: Requiem":
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