Fully Themed Templates?

edited March 2015 in General Discussion
Hi Guys

Just joined, and wondered if you can actually get fully themed campaign templates? I can't code CSS or HTML, but can edit a little.. Just wondered if such a thing is available anywhere?


(About to GM Pendragon, Shadowrun, and The One Ring)


  • ketherian
    Posts: 203
    Hi Martin_P,
    welcome to the site.

    The CSS for my site started out as "Stonemason's Ledger by Basileus":https://theedgeofnight.obsidianportal.com/wikis/stonemasons-ledger I've been adding to it and editing it over time as topics come up in various CSS threads.

    "This thread":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=2779&page=1 also lists several free CSS templates you can use on your site.

    If you use (and modify) any of them, please post a page containing a link, a thank you, or (my personal favourite) your actual CSS modifications - and tell everyone where to find it.

    We tend to learn a lot from each other around here.

    "Signs & Portents":https://swtwc.obsidianportal.com
    "My CSS":https://swtwc.obsidianportal.com/wiki_pages/signsnportendscss
  • Unknown
    A lot of campaign pages also keep there CSS public (as mentioned above), so if you see a campaign you like you may well be able to grab what you need to replicate it. I keep mine posted, which reminds me that it could use a bit of an update.

    "Dragon Age: Requiem":https://dragon-age-requiem.obsidianportal.com/
  • Martin_P
    Posts: 2
    Thanks Guys... and er how do you know/find which campaigns keep there CSS public?

  • Bortas
    Posts: 645
    Goto any campaign you really like, in the search bar, type 'css'. Often, you'll find some good info!

    In short - you don't, I guess.

  • Unknown
    What Bort mentioned is part of the solutions, yes. Most people do include their CSS on a page titled CSS (or containing the term CSS in some way for the page title). I think a couple folks might use the term style, but I don't recall offhand. Anyways, because of this you can also do a "Google Search":http://lmgtfy.com/?q=obsidian+portal+css to find a number of handy results really fast (I used a special service for that link, please ignore the condescension used during the process). The Google process is not always perfect, as some pages that do include such details may not pop high in the search results, but it will still get you to a lot of helpful information regarding CSS.

    Additionally, you are always welcome to pop into the forums here and just ask some questions like you did here. This community is pretty awesome and helpful in my experience, and you will usually get some assistance by doing that (might take a little while for a response, just try an be patient). I would say none of us are really masters of CSS here, but looking at some pages and what people have accomplished you would probably be hard pressed to know that, and much of that comes from a solid community base trying to ensure no campaign is really left behind if you have the ability to include the custom CSS on your pages.

    I'll be updating my own CSS today, and the details I include with my campaign page could allow it to act as a template for another page in theory (as I include the details about what I have set the Campaign Max Width to, and also listed all of the needed Google Font names that come up in the process - I have seen others do this as well). Of course, you can always dig around and pick and choose what you want to include. Having a limited knowledge of CSS will make this somewhat tricky to get started, but as you plug along a lot of things will start getting familiar to you (some of us even comment the heck out of our CSS to make it easier to get an idea of what we are doing with the code).

    Combined, the three methods of just digging about, searching Google, and asking for assistance here on the forums should get you just about anything you are hoping to accomplish (assuming it can be done here on OP - we do have some limitations after all).

    "Dragon Age: Requiem":https://dragon-age-requiem.obsidianportal.com/
  • saethone
    Posts: 153
    You also can use a tool like firebug (a firefox plugin) to inspect people's custom CSS. Most of us don't mind others using our code - just shoot them a private message and most will say sure just give me a mention on your credits page. We're a pretty sharing community here :D
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