Obsidian Portal Launch Feedback



  • Maesenko
    Posts: 325 edited February 2015
    I'm just going to say this: be careful what you do or say. If it ends up that OP has to close down for some reason as a result of that (e.g. because they can't afford to refund, or because of that), it's going to screw over even more people than the Reforge did. There have been new arrivals who never had seen or used Pre-forge so the problems we old-timers know are mostly just wishlist items for the newer crowd, and honestly those who frequent the forums are (mostly) the most active and extreme vocal minority. While many of those who frequent here and voice their opinions are among the "best of us" (CotM/CotY, CSS coders, etc.) we are certainly not the majority of the demographics.

    I've said it numerous times before, I'm not defending the mistakes that have been made, but be careful not to make the situation worse.

    Post edited by Maesenko on


    CotM Selection Committee

  • Bortas
    Posts: 645
    You know what... That's pretty fair.

  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047
    No worries. It's why I said TEMPTED. NOt gonna go screaming to Kickstarter, but some information form the Devs would really be nice.

    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/shadows-over-new-york
    "2013 Campaign of The Year":http://blog.obsidianportal.com/2013-coty-shadows-over-new-york/

  • RyanHeck
    Posts: 33
    I agree with your guys' restraint for the sake of the other users. Good on you.

    Leon, I saw that you posted on the FB wall, though you reference at the beginning names from the forum which outside of this thread do not make sense. You may want to go back and edit that part.
  • Black_Vulmea
    Posts: 277
    @Maesenko: "I’m just going to say this: be careful what you do or say. If it ends up that OP has to close down for some reason as a result of that (e.g. because they can’t afford to refund, or because of that), it’s going to screw over even more people than the Reforge did. There have been new arrivals who never had seen or used Pre-forge so the problems we old-timers know are mostly just wishlist items for the newer crowd, and honestly those who frequent the forums are (mostly) the most active and extreme vocal minority. While many of those who frequent here and voice their opinions are among the “best of us” (CotM/CotY, CSS coders, etc.) we are certainly not the majority of the demographics."

    Maesenko, this stinks of 'blaming the victim.'

    First, as I noted in my previous post, tinkering with the wiki OS without regard for existing campaigns was a problem for me over nearly six years now, as is protracted lack of contact by the developers and a failure to respond to trouble reports. The reforge is not the source of my discontent - it is simply the latest example of what I've experienced with OP for years.

    Second, "new arrivals" are brought in as much or more by the the outstanding work of that "extreme vocal minority" as they are any set of software features. The wiki itself doesn't win awards - it's the amazing examples of what the users do with it that inspire new users to say, 'I want my campaign to be like THAT!'

    Tell me, Maesenko, if a bunch of us go to a restaurant and end up with food poisoning, do you tells us not to make too big a deal of it, because it could scare off other diners? Or dismiss us because we're 'regulars' and since we've eaten there without getting food poisoning in the past we should really just keep going back?

    When I created my first wiki on this site, I was happy enough with what OP offered to pony up for Ascendant membership, but after having repeated problems created by the developers and the absence of response to inquiries, I stopped renewing it. The devs fired me as a customer by their lousy customer service, plain and simple. I've reached the point where I don't trust them to support this enterprise for as long as I plan to run my campaign, which means I would be a fool to invest more of my time and effort in my wiki, let alone pony up additional cash for the privilege.

    If OP fails because the membership bails, the devs have no one to blame but themselves. They're driving their business into the ground.

    Mike aka Black Vulmea
    "_Le Ballet de l'Acier_":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/le-ballet-de-l-acier - swashbuckling adventure in the age of the Three Musketeers and Captain Alatriste
    Featured Campaign of the Month, August 2011

    "Really Bad Eggs":http://black-vulmea.blogspot.com/ - a blog about swashbuckling tabletop roleplaying games
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001 edited February 2015
    Please join me on their facebook "here":https://www.facebook.com/obsidianportal/posts/10152849956279690 and add your voice.... been almost a month since they said they would comment, and 2 weeks since their own suggested deadline.... We really need to know what is going on!!
    Please be polite and respectful in your comments.
    Post edited by GamingMegaverse on

    Just trying to help out.

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    From their Facebook yesterday
    "Obsidian Portal To be honest with you all, a lot is happening right now. You should see a public statement from the team soon. I promise. No wizard quotes or placeholder posts. ~Jerry"

    Just trying to help out.

  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    Thanks for the update killervp.

    I can't find that post for some reason but its good to know that they have actually said something.
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    Found it, had to expand comments.
  • NikMak
    Posts: 379
    umm, isnt that just another 'place holder' post?
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206
    Sorry, but their promises are no longer credible. Sure, there was a statement made outside of the community forums on their own product, but it a) made vague statements that things were going on with absolutely no information as to what that referred to and b) made yet another commitment for more information without any kind of deadline other than "soon" which is clearly relative and has been the same timeline given previously. At this point, as a paying customer, I seriously do hope that they are seeking to sell it off since they have clearly demonstrated a lack of professionalism and responsibility towards commitments, let alone the community that has supported them.
  • RyanHeck
    Posts: 33
    No need to say sorry, Belrathius. Your statement is unfortunately dead on.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Found a bug that I had not anticipated.
    Any page pre-reforge that was stored is no longer accessible. I was going to use one of my players sheets from 2 years ago, back when he was a lower level, as a template for crew my group recently acquired. So I went to the old pages link, and it came up with a 500 error.
    Anyone else find this is true?
    Here is the link to my "ticket":http://help.obsidianportal.com/discussions/problems/16518-old-pages-not-accessible

    Just trying to help out.

  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206
    Hey Killervp,

    You may want to update your ticket to clarify one thing. Are you referring to an old page or an old version of an existing page? Each is an issue, I agree, but clarifying which it is should help whoever attempts to track down the issue - assuming anyone ever does. Probably just my cynicism flaring up, but I wouldn't expect any movement on it until the site is sold off, and then they won't have any historical knowledge to work from.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Good point- updated-
    Old versions of existing pages- which is one of the great functions of OP, imo.

    Just trying to help out.

  • Maesenko
    Posts: 325
    I'm not sure I understand what the problem is exactly...could you expand on it? Like what you mean by "stored", or the difference between an "old page" and an "old version of an existing page"?



    CotM Selection Committee

  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    OP used to store several backup versions of a page that you edited. So if you broke it with code, or just decided you didnt like the change, OR a player made a mistake, you could revert back to a previous version.
  • Maesenko
    Posts: 325 edited February 2015
    We don't still have that? I thought it was that stack of paper button next to the "last update" sidebar.

    EDIT: I just checked, I can still open my archived versions.
    Post edited by Maesenko on


    CotM Selection Committee

  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,012
    I found that this function didn't seem to work well with the DSTs so I don't really use it. For other text, I tend to type blocks in WORD and then paste in. Old habits die hard.

    CURRENT CAMPAIGN: "Mysteria":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/mysteria - set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.
    Previous CotM Aug 2012: "Shimring":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/shimring

    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206
    Yes, we still have it. The bug Killervp is referring to is for pages old enough to predate the reforge.

    It's not a powerful archive system, but the rollback feature is still a big deal. I'm not sure that they will care enough to deal with archived pages that pre-date the reforge, assuming they can even do anything about it (they may simply just be gone). If it's not a reforge issue and simply a maximum length of time to store old versions, that would be reasonable so long as they told us about it clearly and explicitly, setting expectations up front. Then again, upfront communication is something they seem incapable of.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Right on the description of the issue Belrathius.... although I still have hope that they are still answering bug issues. They aren't as on top of them as they used to be, but I still usually get some response.
    @Maesenko- yes, the stack of papers- any of my pages that are pre-reforge in that stack I cannot access.
    @Skidace- Right after they rolled the function out, one of my players accidentally changed 3 of my main pages- but happily I could revert- and ever since, this has been one of the features I have been thrilled about....

    Just trying to help out.

  • Maesenko
    Posts: 325
    Just wanted to clarify, I also have pages from pre-forge and they still work. I can see them, and revert them.



    CotM Selection Committee

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    @Maesenko- Are any of the pages that you are accessing from before 10/13??

    Just trying to help out.

  • Maesenko
    Posts: 325
    Yeah, I found pages in September, April, June, etc. All of them reverted with no trouble, and I was also able to put them back to current with no issue.

    Maybe it has something to do with your CSS? Something that didn't exist on the old pages (or used to exist in a different form) that is conflicting with your current build?



    CotM Selection Committee

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Perhaps- now just waiting for a dev response. Been 3 weeks since anyone addressed any tickets.

    Just trying to help out.

  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206
    That's definitely a sign of giving up and waiting to pass the buck to the next prospective owner. I just hope they care more about their customers and community than those who financially benefited from the kickstarter campaign.
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    Travis updated a lot of tickets today.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Travis updated tickets, which is a good sign.
    Had to share this one though-
    On "How do I tell how much space (of the 5GB) that I have used?" [Not my ticket, btw]
    The answer from Travis is
    "Nothing yet but I submittted this as an extension of the File Storage stretch goal."

    So an acknowledgement, on assigned ticket 59 as of this post, that a stretch goal from the Kickstarter that closed April 2013, that was supposed to be delivered August 2013, still has not been delivered.....
    Love this site, still the best, but the silence is really, really making me angry....

    Just trying to help out.

  • Bortas
    Posts: 645
    Gearing up to sell, 'as is'?

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