Page Within a Page

edited December 2008 in Feature Requests


  • Lialos
    Posts: 34
    I would [Beatles Music]LOVE, LOVE, LOVE[\Beatles Music] the ability to incorporate one page within another.

    Usages are:

    * You have a stat block, or part of a stat block, that you want on numerous pages.
    * You have a navigation bar (which idea I stole from someone else's campaign I saw) and rather than have to do configuration management everytime you modify it, you can just incorporate it into other pages.
    * You have any other piece of information or text that is likely to be used on multiple pages within your campaign site

    Ok, that's the "What does it do?" and the "Why?" questions answered.

    What does it look like? Simple: If by doing "CODE: PAGENAME" then the contents of the page called "PAGENAME" are simply incorporated internal to the page. Similar to how you'd throw a picture right in the middle with an HREF.

    Of course, maybe this functionality exists, and I've been too dumb to figure it out.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Nope, doesn't exist as of yet. Not a bad idea, but it could be a real beast to implement. There are some clever ways to do it (using something like an IFRAME), but it's usually more trouble than it's worth.

    So, this will have to go on the "far, far future" list. However, we are working on some stuff in the near-term that we hope will be much cooler!
  • Lialos
    Posts: 34
    Can anyone help me out with the grammar for using IFRAME?
  • stumblewyk
    Posts: 21

    The only problem I see with this method is that any content you'd want in that stat block or nav bar will contain all the header, footer, and sidebars for OP, unless you host that page offsite.
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