Second Hello from Sweden

edited December 2008 in Player Lounge


  • lerusius
    Posts: 4
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Jakob from Sweden currently playing and creating a Dnd 4e campaign. Have played mostly Dungeons and Dragons but also some other stuff like the Swedish RPG game Eon (which I did not like). Anyway my campaign will be kept in Swedish because it will be easier for me to write story and fluff that way, plus using old Swedish sounds sometimes cooler then English. I will use English when making homebrewed rules tho, but at the moment I have none. Anyway I'll be lurking around here and steal as many ideas as I can (Of course I'll ask nicely first).

    Well Cya Around!
  • Azuki
    Posts: 3
    Hey (or Hejsan)!

    Nice to see another GM from Sweden here. Interesting coincidence that both of us joined roughly at the same time.

    Good luck with the campaign, I've played 4E DnD in swedish and it works pretty well in my opinion.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Hello Lerusius!

    Just so you know, Florimel's "Encyclopedia Yggdraversica": is ripe for borrowing - the idea of other people getting inspiration from his work was actually a major selling point I used to get him to sign up! =) IMO, most of what you'll find useful are the NPCs. I know he's got a few world settings at least somewhat outlined here, but he is *huge* on NPCs and their connections to each other and to the player characters, so the NPCs that aren't still totally blank have some really good backstories. And if any of them look intriguing (he was very insistent on uploading images for all of them), his email address is in the EY wiki.

    His eventual "12 Spheres": campaign and my eventual "Stands Alone": campaign will both be in D&D 4E, but he tends to play more in the HERO system. So don't expect to be able to lift items or NPCs wholesale from his current campaigns - you'll need to translate them into the new rule set.

    Also for what it's worth, you are welcome to borrow the backstory to any of the PCs in my profile EXCEPT for Nicole Matthews. (As I was typing the first part of that last sentence, she made it very clear to me that she doesn't like the idea of other universes having anyone like her in them. So please respect her wishes. =)
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