Multiple GMs for one campaign?

edited December 2008 in Feature Requests


  • H_ngm_n
    Posts: 1

    Have you considered adding the possibility to allow multiple GMs for one campaign? It would be very useful for our campaign. (I guess the work-around is to create a shared account that all the GMs will use? Can multiple people be logged in at the same time as the same user?)

  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    I've had several windows open with my account - so I can look at one page and create another.

    I wouldn't advise that several people work on the same thing at once, as then they'd overwrite each other.
  • ryan
    Posts: 126
    -You can have multiple GMs on one campaign. The current GM of the campaign needs to log in, click on the "Manage Members" link. There you'll see a link titled "Promote to GM" and then your done. Let us know if you have any troubles.-

    Correction, you can only have on GM per campaign. The "Promote to GM" replaces the GM with a new user.
  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    I had troubles. I promoted someone to GM and it demoted me.
  • Lialos
    Posts: 34
    Hopefully they had an idea where the campaign was headed. Of course, now you know where all the skeletons are!
  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    Well, its Houses of the Blooded so there isn't any real GM controlled direction like in most games. :D
  • sturmadler
    Posts: 5

    Still demotes current GM. Is this an intended result? I would prefer to be able to have 2 GMs.
  • MythicParty
    Posts: 78
    The way we did it in the 'Real World' was that there was a 'GM' & then an 'Assistant GM' aka, The Ass. So to keep it clear, have one person be the main GM & then any others are well, Asses.
  • the8bitdeity
    Posts: 6
    Just tried again in my basic account, when I attempted to promote my friend to GM (I'm enlisting him to help with fluff / back story) I was demoted to player. I currently have characters associated with me, perhaps this is why I was demoted?
  • the8bitdeity
    Posts: 6
    Is there any update on this item? I still cannot promote a player to co-GM status.
  • the8bitdeity
    Posts: 6
    Just tried on a completely new campaign, and same issue came about. Is there any idea why this is happening?
  • ikernov
    Posts: 4
    I just posted this same question in the help forum and a reply came that the only real solution is to share the GM password with co-GM's. I find this to be a less than adequate solution. If I want to use the same account to play in other games, etc. then that person would have access to everything there as well. I suppose that I could create an account that was sole used for GM purposes for just that campaign but then I would have to monitor several accounts and that is unneccesarily cumbersome IMO.

  • the8bitdeity
    Posts: 6
    I have to reiterate that allowing multiple GMs on one campaign is really important to me. I really hope this can be re-investigated and implemented.
  • Finn_Quill
    Posts: 11
    "This seems to be a common desire, I was hoping for this as well, and it seems that it is not uncommon to have 'co-GMs' in various games."
  • Lex
    Posts: 1
    Just thought I'd add my voice: this would be an awesome feature to have, and I'd vote for it as the next New Feature... I may potentially have a Co-GM or two in my game(s), and I'd really like to be able to have them use their own accounts rather than mine.
  • Waywocket
    Posts: 3
    Yeah, I'd like to add my voice to this request. I'd like my brother to be able to add dungeons, NPCs, magic items, fluff, or whatever he wants to my campaign world and this seems like the optimal way to do that.
  • bevinflannery
    Posts: 114
    Waywocket --

    Keep in mind that if your brother is a "member" of your campaign - i.e., you sent him an invitation and he accepted it - he can already create and edit Wiki pages, create/edit NPCs, create/edit magic items, create or edit adventure log posts, etc. The only thing he won't be able to do is see "GM-only" sections of pages or "GM-only" whole pages (though even there, there are some leaks that other folks have encountered).
  • Waywocket
    Posts: 3
    Thanks for the tip. It's true, you can do a lot without having GM status on the wiki but it'd be really useful for another person to be able to upload maps and session ideas, or to edit/contribute to current GM-only notes, without the players seeing the information. Right now, we're both using the same account which more or less seems to be working out so I suppose it's no major gripe. On another note, I read a while ago on a blog about using evil masterminds in a campaign, i.e. having a friend who is not a player control a specific faction in your game world and make decisions about what to do what that factions resources, given that factions information, on a weekly basis. It would be useful for such an evil mastermind to have access to the subsection of pages that concern his faction and have a page for GM-evil mastermind communication. What do you all think? Could this all be taken care of through the messaging system?
  • bevinflannery
    Posts: 114
    I agree that it would be very useful to have multiple GMs with equal privileges. Currently, promoting a player to co-GM has the effect of demoting the original GM.
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    To play devil's advocate (because I believe I asked for this "back in 2007": and was told that it wasn't a priority), if you promote your friend/brother/significant other to GM, they can do so, too. In other words Player A creates the campaign wiki and is thus the first GM of record. After invites are sent and accepted, s/he promotes Player B to GM and loses his/her own GM status. After Player B, the new GM, does some stuff for a few minutes/hours/days s/he promotes Player A back to GM, losing his/her own GM status. The two (or more) can bounce back that status as much as they want.

    No, it's not optimal. But it is an option until/if the admins choose to add the multiple concurrant GMs option.
  • stumblewyk
    Posts: 21
    Just putting my little bit of personal "oomph" behind supporting this. I've got a situation where my wife and I will be in a DM/Assistant DM situation, and I'd LOVE to be able to give her access to my GM-Only content without asking her to log in using my information, or emailing the content to her.
  • KingofVrock
    Posts: 5
    I sent an email about this and got the response that Co-GM's are a fairly rare occurance (in the minds of the developers) so this feature isn't high on the priority list.

    My group could really use it as we have between 6-9 players that like to play fairly regularly and though I've always been used to solo DM'ing there are two more people in my group that co-dm a campaign. It'd be a fantastic feature.
  • Calion
    Posts: 144
    Implemented! Perhaps Implemented feature requests should be removed or removed to somewhere else? There's a lot of threads to wade through to make sure that I'm not requesting something that's already got its own thread.
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