An App for Generating NPCs and Characters

edited December 2014 in General Discussion
My friends and I have created an app for Android and iOS, called "GM Wizard: Character Generator". We play AD&D 2nd Edition, and have been using Obsidian Portal for some campaigns over the last few years, so I figured this may be the best place to post about it. So far the response has been very positive, and I'm interested in your comments and suggestions, especially for other game systems or editions.

*So, what does it do?*
It creates a random character with various physical and personality traits to help with roleplaying and backstory. Great for a quick NPC needed on the fly, or planning out ideas for a more in-depth player character. It also generates armor, weapons, and inventory items. We've got hundreds of interesting items in there, both inconsequential (adds to their story) or magical. It also generates unique pronounceable names, first and last (human, dwarf, elf, half-elf, half-orc, halfling, gnome). You can both save and load characters.

- Google Play: "":

- App Store: "":

Here are some screens of the meat of it. There are also some cool illustrations on the title screen and tavern section. There are more screenshots at the above links (it works for tablets too).


  • Maesenko
    Posts: 325
    This looks pretty sweet!

    Any chance you could program it for Windows Store? And/or 3.5?



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  • Mudhammer
    Posts: 2
    Thanks Mae. It does include classes that would support 3.5, and is generic enough that everything should still apply. I wish I could include all the spells and abilities, but that would run into some copyright issues (not covered under the OGL).
    There is no planned Windows Phone / Windows Store release at the moment, but it's a possibility to port later on down the road, if there is enough demand and sales pick up on the other platforms.
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