Obsidian Portal Launch Feedback



  • bluesguy
    Posts: 127
    I have downloaded my site...

    I am also starting to seriously look into doing what it takes to stand up my own website to do what OP does but just for my campaigns. I use Joomla and there are a number of built in features and plug ins that could meet my needs.

    Again what is most frustrating about all of this is the absolute 'radio silence' from the people running OP. And maybe that is exactly what I need to consider. Radio Silence = slow death.
  • NikMak
    Posts: 379
    so it all seems doom and gloom here, but dont the cmapign of the month, vanguard awards and the new backgrounds indicate that at least some new work is going into the site?

    the addition of a few new backgrounds is not a huge deal in and of itself, but doesnt this indicates some progress can still be expected?
  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,013
    Cheer up folks, it might never happen......

    What's the worse that can happen?
    Obsidian Portal shuts down tomorrow without any warning!
    Will it suck? Yeah!
    Will anyone die? No.


    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • Thorvaldr
    Posts: 141
    Will anyone die? _Will anyone die?!_ WHOLE WORLDS COULD BE LOST! They won't just die, it will erase every moment of their existence!

    Granted, for Tyellador, that's only like, 20 named PC's and NPC's. But you get a Campaign like Killervp's? That's literally "_hundreds!_":https://a-god-rebuilt.obsidianportal.com/wikis/performers *Gone* from the fabric of -the internet- reality!

    DM of "Tyellador:":https://tyellador.obsidianportal.com/ "CotM April '14":http://blog.obsidianportal.com/tyellador-april-cotm-14/
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    And just think, if OP shuts down I will lose the great people like ya'll.
  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,013
    LOL! Thorvaldr

    I was just putting things in perspective. I would actually lose out immensely myself and I really hope it doesn't happen.

    But your reply has made me laugh at least. We could do with more laughter all around!


    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • PhoenixMark
    Posts: 90
    Hi friends. It has been forever since I have been around. I still tinker now and then, but my personal time has been reassigned towards my fiction writing.

    I sure hope that we don't lose OP. I have tried to use the backup feature, but for some reason my mac (and none of my browsers) can load the xml files. During game play, I actually depend on the site. Most of my data is here, and here alone. House rules, world content, etc. Will I survive if OP goes the way of the dodo, sure. Will I like it? Nupe.

    Perhaps someone should start a mailing list or something, so we can all keep in contact if this site goes away. Any ideas or suggestions?


    "CRIMSON SKIES":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/crimson-skies
    "COTM June 2012":http://blog.obsidianportal.com/crimson-skies-junes-campaign-of-the-month/

    Also "Sactown Blues":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/sactown-blues and "Shimmering Kingdoms":https://shimmering-kingdoms-fate.obsidianportal.com/
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    I would love to have our own mailing list or contact site. Hows that work?

    Oh, and I archive my OP web site with a web site copier.

    Some of my code (fancy side bar menus) required me to replace relative links with absolute references, but other than that I haven't foound any issues yet.

    Haven't checked the forums, but I compile them into adventure logs anyway.
  • Ruhar
    Posts: 27
    Despite the problems with the reforge launch and my complaints among friends, here and reporting issues I paid for another year last year. I have seen no changes over the past year and I've had no responses to the issues I report over and over. A list of some of my issues are:

    1) The colors still look like shit making it difficult to read.
    2) They removed the names of those who respond to calendar events and only show the icons. A few of my players did not add an icon.
    3) If you have an event notification that is more than 9 days in the future you only see one number.
    4) If you use a user name to sign in you have to perform multiple clicks just to get to the point of signing in. Other sites seem to know how to combine user name, facebook signin, and registering on one page without multiple clicks.

    That's only a few of the issues I have been frustrated with. I considered supporting the kickstarter but it had already met its goal and funds were tight so I decided to pass. Every time I login I thank God that I didn't do the kickstarter because I would be demanding my money back.

    Those in charge have been quiet for a very long time with no sign of any of the issues that EVERYONE has been complaining about since the first launch day. I feel like they are taking our membership money and sitting on their asses doing nothing. Because of their silence and the issues I have I have been seriously considering not paying for another membership year and I have looked at other options. Unfortunately, I haven't found anything that does everything OP is suppose to do. The biggest feature that I need is the calendar. I sometimes have to prod my players to respond so I can set up an event to send several notifications instead of trying to find time to send another notice. If I found something that would do that I would jump ship in a heart beat. I'm still considering jumping ship and have an alert on my phone calendar to alert me on the day I need to decide. Fifteen days and counting.

    What's it going to be OP? Are you going to acknowledge us? Fix the problems the reforge created? Or are you going to sit on your asses and rake in the membership fees? If killervp is correct that campaign updates have dropped since the reforge release this ship may go down. It's a shame because it was a great site before the reforge and I suggested it to everyone. Now I tell people to not waste their time and money as I contemplate my own time and money.

    If anyone knows of a comparable site and/or a calendar system that I can set up multiple notifications for an event please let me know.

    Ruhar the disgruntled
  • Maesenko
    Posts: 325
    I'm not defending their lack of communication or as-of-yet unfinished goals, but think of it this way:

    In essence, this site is only one year old again. Yes, it still has some of the older infrastructure and userbase, so it's better than it was the first time the site was one year old, but "They Changed It, Now It Sucks":http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheyChangedItNowItSucks took effect and a bunch of people fled the community, and all the already-barely-active people remained as such or left. The site was never great about managing inactive accounts or campaigns, even pre-reforge, but then it still served as an archive of sorts.

    In the end, OP is kind of back to where it started, but it has a tighter-knit core community and something to build upon, and like any "new" site, they have to build themselves up again. And people going around bad-mouthing them is not going to get the reputation Obsidian Portal needs to survive. Complaining that things aren't like they used to be, or that beloved features are missing now, that's one thing, and there's still a chance that it can be remade later.

    Actively telling people not to come to the site, not to give it a try and see what they think for themselves, inserting your bias into their decision before they can even make one?
    *That's what's going to kill this site.* You have nobody to blame but yourselves if Obsidian Portal dies due to lack of users if you're driving them away.

    _Immortal Backer_


    CotM Selection Committee

  • Ruhar
    Posts: 27
    Maesenko, the main problems are easy fixes, go into the codes and change the colors and the font sizes. These problems aren't even taught in Basic Design 101, they are taught in 001! You don't use light colored fonts on a light colored background nor a dark colored font on a dark colored background. Web sites have been around long enough for lay person to know that. Someone with web design experience, which I would think OP used for the kickstarter campaign, would indeed know that. I don't even know how this even got past the kickstarter testers unless they were ignored like the users were when the reforge was rolled out and the complaints rolled in.

    Saying that the site is basically a year old and should get a break on not taking care of the issues that have been complained and reported on during that year is like saying a 13 year old kid throwing a tantrum like a five year old should get a break because he just became a teenager. When you are charging for a service you have to listen to your customers or you won't have any. That is what is happening. And customers have the power of word of mouth. If they are happy they will recommend it to everyone. And if they aren't.... So don't put the blame on me and other unhappy customers. if this site goes under the owners are to blame for not listening to their customers. Maybe, you, and the owners, should take a business course on how to successfully run a business instead of blaming unhappy customers who leave and spread the word. Businesses live, and die, on reputation which is built by word of mouth.

    OP had a great product before the kickstarter, now they are reaping what they broke. If OP dies another will take its place and hopefully learn from OP's mistake.
  • cgregory
    Posts: 780
    If you don't like the colour or font size it is pretty easy to change yourself. Truth is, regardless of what colour or font size is chosen as default, you are going to have have people who want to change it. I certainly don't see font and colour as main problems with the reforge.

    They are among us!


                       XCom: Defiance - Campaign of the Month November 2016



  • Ruhar
    Posts: 27
    cgregory, you may be color blind but there are many people who don't like trying to read light colored text on a light colored background nor dark colored text on a dark background. This is basic design rules that go back to print before web pages. As for the font size, it is a proven fact that certain font sizes are easier to read for the average person than other sizes, another basic design rule. Bottom line, OP broke the design rules when they broke their site for the revamp and it doesn't work. That's why a lot more people than me have been complaining since the release and why so many have jumped ship.
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    While that's pretty much true, Ruhar, the colors are something that's easily customizable. Just use one of the settings that doesn't have light-font on light-background or dark-font on dark-background.
  • bluesguy
    Posts: 127
    @SkidAce - What Web Site Copier are you using?
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    Windows HTTrack Website copier.

  • cgregory
    Posts: 780
    Ruhar, accusing someone of being colour blind because they don't agree with your opinion about the severity of a issue comes off a little rude and shows you completely missed the point. Colours and font are completely changeable. If you don't like the colours and fonts on your site change them. It is a configurable setting and that is why it is not a main problem with the reforge. The main problems with the site are the ones that can't be modified my the user.

    They are among us!


                       XCom: Defiance - Campaign of the Month November 2016



  • Syrinx
    Posts: 42
    When using my iphone I can´t access the PM section. There´s no icon for that. I can get there via my email. But then it´s not fully integrated with the mobile layout.

    "Antarctica 1983":https://antarctica-1983.obsidianportal.com/
  • Ruhar
    Posts: 27
    I never accused someone of being color blind. I said "you may be color blind." If I were accusing I would have said 'you are color blind.' I'm an English professor, but I do know there is a difference. "You are" is active and accusing and "you maybe" is not active and accusing. So before you accuse someone of being an accuser and accuse the person of coming "off a little rude and shows you completely missed the point" you really should reread what was said.

    So that we are completely clear I will accuse you of missing the point, MY point. Changing the colors through the settings does not change the colors of all of the text. Go to the Dashboard of your campaign and scroll to the bottom. That orange colored text is not easily read. If I change the colors of my campaign that text color should also change so it's readable. And changing the colors is not an easy task. I created a new campaign just to see if my current campaign that came from the old (not broken) version of Obsidian Portal might be messing with the overall settings of the site. That wasn't the case.

    When I pay to use a site like this where I can add information I expect it to be easy to use and read as soon as I start working on it. I should not have to go to settings to change the colors so I don't have light colored text on a light colored background or change the font size from a size that is barely readable while straining the eyes to a size that doesn't cause eye strain.

    It would be one thing if I was the only one complaining about this, but I'm not. I and other users brought up the issue as soon as the revamped site was revealed. If any of the OP staff responded it was always with promises that they were working on it. I haven't seen any changes since the reveal.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    @Syrinx- Have you submitted a help request? That seems to be the only place anything gets noticed.
    "A God...Rebuilt":https://a-god-rebuilt.obsidianportal.com
    "OP's COTM April 2012":http://blog.obsidianportal.com/a-god-rebuilt-aprils-cotm/
    Over 300 Fans, and Looking for More!

    Just trying to help out.

  • Syrinx
    Posts: 42
    No, I decided to use my laptop instead. And to set up some new game...
    Thanks for the reply, KVP!
  • RyanHeck
    Posts: 33 edited December 2014
    I've got fifteen days to go until my Reforge Ascendant account will require a renewed subscription, and while I want to keep it, I'm having a a hard time justifying giving money to a team that, from a communication standpoint, seems to have abandoned support, save for a few things like bringing the server back up when they go down, doing a Campaign of the Month, and still calling it's podcast "The Official Obsidian Portal Podcast", which is at this point presumptuous because they never talk about OP anymore. It's now all interviews, thoughts on current projects, and terrible advice about how they think you should deal with problem players you want gone from your home groups. They're turn tail and run approach to players kinda gives insight into their mentality toward customers: ignore them until they go away, rather than having the gumption to check in from time to time. The irony about this situation is that just months prior to the KS campaign, the two hosts of Haste even made comments about KS campaigns that don't plan well enough and don't communicate with their backers. I don't remember the episode number or else I'd point it out, but it was damning in retrospect.

    OP Staff, here's a suggested starting point to turn this around: Write up an open letter to the community on your blog, read it aloud on Haste, and send a priority email to everyone and simply apologize. Tell us you acknowledge that things did not go as well as you wanted with the Kickstarter; that the unfinished stretch goals stated have had to be put on the back burner because of X, the silent treatment sent to the community was because of Y, and end it with a promise to be transparent. We don't need to hear numbers, we just want the assurance that as nearly-former and possible-future customers of this amazing tool, you, our Portal devs, are willing to put in the extra effort to finish what you set out to do. Please guys, gird up your loins and take it. It's gonna sting at first, and people will probably flame you no matter what you say, but doing something now, when hundreds of us whose PAID memberships are about to run up need to hear about what's going on. Showing that you made a mistake and were willing to work with us to turn it around would be a great story to look back on 10 years from now.

    Talk it over and figure out what you are going to do and do it. If you can't commit to it, give it to someone who can, or close up shop. But please give us the dignity of an apology and direction for where OP is going in 2015 and/or beyond. We're ready to hear about it.

    EDIT: minor typo
    Post edited by RyanHeck on
  • Ruhar
    Posts: 27
    Well said, RyanHeck. It would be nice if Micah and the others listened, but I'm not holding my breath. I already un-ascended this weekend when my renewal came due. There are other things I can use the $40 for. I'll continue with the free version so if things change (like someone else taking over) then I'll re-ascend.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    So back in May the Campaign System area in the search for campaigns, which also comes up for COTM, went blank......
    I cannot search for any system whatsoever- and I am sure that new users would like to do the same....
    If you feel this is a problem please add your voice "here":http://help.obsidianportal.com/discussions/problems/12375-search-for-a-campaign-functionality-post-reforge

    Just trying to help out.

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Just posted the following on the Kickstarter Page- as someone that has defended Micah and Jerry for my entire time here, this hurt, but I am tired of being quiet about this, and while this site is still the best for campaign organization, that does not excuse the fact that they have not delivered on their Kickstarter promises.
    Since so many people are considering whether to continue or not, as their free time is now expired, please remember that this project is subject to the Kickstarter rules:
    "Project Creators are required to fulfill all rewards of their successful fundraising campaigns or refund any Backer whose reward they do not or cannot fulfill."

    Since Obsidian Portal has yet to provide 2 of the stretch goals, you are entitled to a refund.

    My forum post on this subject, dated 8/15/14, which has not been addressed, despite statements that they would be more active on their own forums.
    Stretch Goals-This is where OP has fallen on its keister.
    1- Maps: They finished the larger size, 4096×4096 pixels instead of the old 1024×1024. However, the other 2 promised elements, A library of map markers – Different colors and shapes. Imagine dropping crossed swords to mark a battle, a tower to mark a wizard’s abode, and a cave for…a cave. and Better connection with the rest of your campaign – Add markers for specific characters and/or wiki pages, instead of only the general purpose markers we have now. have not happened.
    2- Name Generator: Not delivered.
    3- File Storage Locker: The free limit will climb to 250MB and the Ascendant limit will rise to 10GB. Delivered.
    4- Custom Campaign URLs: Partial. mycampaign.obsidianportal.com delivered, but Ascendant campaigns can set up their own raw domain (ie. “mycampaign.com”) not delivered.
    5- Mega Stretch Goal – Extra Month at $75,000 For every $10k we raise over the initial goal, we will be able to extend the premium Ascendant time for every backer (Hasted Ascendant and above) by 1 month. Delivered…. although I personally feel that they should have given extra months for the delay in getting the Reforge completed, and do something for the fact that a year later very few stretch goals have been delivered.
    5a – Natural Editing -Not delivered.

    So, to sum up, out of the 6 listed above (and lets face it, adding months was not exactly difficult in time/programming, just a cost to them), they have delivered completely on 2, partially delivered on 2, and not delivered at all on 2.

    Now, Obsidian Portal is the best site for keeping track of your campaign online, and I am still a big fan of its capabilities- but it is the by far the worst in keeping its promises as a Kickstarter in my experience.

    Just trying to help out.

  • Bortas
    Posts: 645
    Ninja.. vanish

  • NikMak
    Posts: 379
    @ kilverp, someone recently posted that you get a better response form the OP team on twitter... how about contacting them there to ask about the deliverables achieved to date?
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001 edited January 2015
    Posted on "twitter":https://twitter.com/killervp1/status/552235509808762880 "kickstarer":https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/252020431/obsidian-portal-reforged/comments and "facebook":https://www.facebook.com/obsidianportal
    Please remember to be polite! As I have said on many occasions, I am a big fan of the site- I just want some updates. Many of you have come to me asking for them, and at this point the standard communications have not worked.

    Please add your voices!! Thanks!
    Post edited by GamingMegaverse on

    Just trying to help out.

  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218
This discussion has been closed.

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The World of Elurah

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