Nested Tables

edited September 2014 in Campaign Portal Building
For some reason, I cannot get text to align with the bullets. Please assist.


  • Bondoid
    Posts: 35
    Want to show us an example of your problem. I'm not sure exactly what your talking about. Or what nested tables have to do with bullets? Happy to help, need a bit more information.

    "Legacy of Fire":
  • Thorvaldr
    Posts: 141
    So, apparently this table isn't going to look right on the fora, but it _does_ look right on the site! I'm with Bondoid in that I'm not entirely sure what you're asking, but you mention tables and bullets. Something similar to what I have if you scroll down on "this page?":

    If so, here is that code:

    bc. |{font-size:130%}.[[Bhenor]]:|
    |/3^{font-size:110%}.[[Cyngordyn]][[Aderyn]][[Almwyg]][[Angelldin]]|^{font-size:110%}.[[Eadigburge]][[Eorforweald Forest]]|^{font-size:110%}.[[Healwud]][[Easteðgeat]]|
    |{font-size:110%}.[[Scipfaesten]][[Eorforweald Forest]]|{font-size:110%}.[[Ighilksar]][[Zemmôursouk]]|

    So instead of using textile to do bullet points, I ended up using HTML tags. But I did still use textile for the actual table! So one single cell will contain 3 bullet-pointed elements.

    Hope this helps, if not, I'm sure we can refine further!

    DM of "Tyellador:": "CotM April '14":
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