Good Evening

edited November 2008 in Player Lounge


  • Jackal
    Posts: 3
    Greetings everyone. It is hard to really say when I started Dungeons and Dragons, and even before that I was writing stories of far away lands. I do remember my first campaign though but never was to good with dates and time to remember when it was.

    I seemed to make few friends in school seeing as I kept to myself and read anything I could get my hands onto just for amusement, but I did have a small group of friends that we would all get together and hang out. First came the game of Talisman on a boring day. That led to my friends father handing him box full of DnD books telling us to make a character for next week if we liked Talisman. Seeing as we did we began the adventure of diving into the books and creating our first heros. One a fighter the next a rogue and then I a sorcerer. After the week of the campaign we all became hooked and started allowances just to collect the newest books.

    Fast forward to the here and now with present technology we have about every book on hand and instead of a Father being the DM we share the responsibility. Though our group kinda moved down to only three of us and only I liking to make a campaign not to mention short on funds we stick with the 3.5 Edition.

    I find that I am really a perfectionist and have to have things down to a small detail and have hundreds of maps of city streets and forest just encase adventures want to wander in different directions. Right now I am working on a campaign that unfortunately has no name as of yet that is very massive to any I have seen with multiple mini quest, a main quest line, and even single quest when something may happen to a party member for a weekend and I am only left with one player. Hopefully I can start getting things shaped together and get things going, looking forward to talking to others on here, sharing ideas, and maybe even getting a few ideas from others who have been doing this longer and most likely better.
  • redstar
    Posts: 119
    I love the idea of making more "compartmental" quests and backups in the case of player fall out. The group that I run a game for can have difficulty meeting all at once sometimes, as we play online via Maptools and Skype. Do you create a generic single character quest that could fit anyone of your players or do you write a unique quest for each one?

    Anyways, welcome aboard, glad you came :)
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Welcome to the Portal! It sounds like you've got a lot of stuff to archive and possibly share.

    If you get your players onto the site, then watch out for the RSS feed. I don't know if it really does show GM-only pages, or if my GM forgot to check the box to make a page GM-only, but I ended up able to see something he didn't want me to see. So play it safe, and if it's secret, put it in the "Secret GM Info" box of the wiki page.
  • Jackal
    Posts: 3
    Redstar: Most likely I will have both in this campaign just to make it interesting or alter quest differently based on who is doing them. A 1st level warrior can handle more monsters then say a 1st level wizard so I make adjustments and to feel unique I will have quest that are even based on the past of certain characters. May be weird but I ask for my players to write a bit of a past story about them. Maybe have a brother or sister maybe even a lover or family. Or just a dark secret and at some time that will be put into a quest form after they have completed it to make them feel a part of the world and not just random players.

    Never have tried playing online and I seem to have the worst luck with Dice rollers but it has always been something I want to mess with and see how it plays out since my group is rather small. Also thank you for the welcome.

    FemmeLegion: I think I have seen you everywhere on here glad to know people around here are friendly enough to post often. Thank you for the heads up on that, though I think I might keep my personal things like maps strictly to me since the site can only hold so many maps and I am sure to beat that. Also have a habit of writing whats in the dungeons on the back of the map. But the GM box may be a good thing just to but simple ideas and new traps or something I come up with.
  • Snargash_Moonclaw
    Posts: 40
    The map limitation really isn't a problem unless you need to be able to zoom in - you can still embed images into a wiki page where appropriate - see for an example, as well as the campaign banner at the top of the page. . .
  • Jackal
    Posts: 3
    Well that solves a lot for me. Thanks for showing me it.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521 I just need to start dinking around with this demo of Everland. You've inspired me, Sillyfaerie - I'm putting together wiki pages for each particular region, and I could just embed a relevant detail of the world map.
  • Snargash_Moonclaw
    Posts: 40
    Glad it's useful. FL, you got straight to the key of the work-around: While large maps don't work so well, the portions that matter to a particular page will often appear just fine as illustrations. Additionally I've set up a file area on Yuntaa so that any of the maps can be downloaded to view full screen. The polar projection banner is as much a result of the fact that I don't actually have any graphic banner as it is a way to get another map into my wiki. . . Besides, the map page itself doesn't deal well with rectangular images and would only let me display one of the hemispheres. Folks in The Cartographer's Guild showed me an awesome hack to take the tow polar projections, turn them into a pair of flat maps and glue them together at the equator (polar distortion of this is obscene, but irrelevant when you can) then turn that map into an opaque GoogleEarth overlay - and viola! GooglePanisadore! All the difficulties of grasping the odd geography of these two circumpolar continents disappears when you can see it as a globe which you can rotate in any direction. . . Eventually I'll do some cleaner, more detailed versions since in GoogleEarth you can zoom in - and embed images you've made with Google Sketchup.
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