A Boston-based howdy

edited November 2008 in Player Lounge


  • aethan
    Posts: 2
    Hey, folks. I'm Andy. I'm turning 40 in March 2009, and I've been playing D&D since my 10th birthday, so I've got some longevity in this hobby, for what it's worth. ;)

    I'm almost always the DM, but I rarely mind it. Even before 4th Edition hit the shelves, I started developing my 4E campaign, Seven Kingdoms, which I plan to launch in a year or two. For now, I'm developing details about the world. When I actually start the campaign, the players will begin in a very small section of the world, and I'll develop that part in some detail. In the meantime, however, I find that I care more about the world, and I can spin stories that seem more real to me if I know something about the world as a whole. So that when a player says, "Is there anything like a medieval Russia in your world?" I can say yes or no and give details, rather than making it all up on the fly.

    I welcome any comments on what I have so far for Seven Kingdoms. I'm still transferring information from my old wiki site, so there are gaps in what you can view so far.

    - Andy
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Hee! My DM is an Andy also, and he's also been at it for decades. 'Cept he plays HERO/Champions and Amber diceless rather than D&D. Though we're both coming up with 4th-ed campaigns for the sake of learning the rules.

    I convinced him to archive his stuff here so that other people could potentially take inspiration. It's over at the "Encyclopedia Yggdraversica":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/andyverse

    And slowly I'm building my little snippet of multiverse - not a whole lot of inspiration for you right now unless you're big on religion: "Stands Alone":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/stands-alone
  • aethan
    Posts: 2
    Good deal. Inspiration is inspiration, no matter where it comes from. :)

    - Andy
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