Home Page - Remove Header and Change Main Text to White?

edited December 2013 in Campaign Portal Building
I know this must seem like a ridiculous question, but I just started working on my page and I don't understand CSS at all. I upgraded to ascendant and I've had some luck with very quick fixes, but mostly I'm just pasting code into the Advanced tab without actually understanding what the code does. Anyway I'm fumbling through this, so forgive me if the answer is very easily overlooked.

Essentially, all I want to do is edit my home page so the text box that houses my description of my chronicle is black, and the actual text is white. I would also like to remove the header that reads "Home Page" (the one with the notebook icon that you can click on to edit.) It seems like I've managed to get this last part done on accident, but sometimes the header reappears even when I don't mess with the actual advanced feature. At the moment, the only CSS I'm using in my home page edit is a div tag to change the font face to Times New Roman. I tried looking through the formatting FAQ sticky and have found a whole host of neat tips and tricks (including a way to make the ordinarily gray on white edit text-boxes white on black), but nothing that just directly explains how to change the font color.


  • Irbslice
    Posts: 1
    Hey Lucid!

    With a little trial and error, I finally figured out how to remove the headers from the wiki pages. The CSS is:

    .wiki-page-name {display:none;}
    .wiki-page-name.title {display:none;}

    Hopefully someone whose CSS-fu is mightier than mine will come along and help you with the rest :-)
  • Soulbringer
    Posts: 1
    /* TEXT COLOR */
    p {color:#ffffff;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px 1px #000000;}

    Above is white text with a black shadow - if needed you can change any of the html color codes (neat trick is to go to style where color are in html codes). This will change normal text, text inside tables you need to modify table font colors with ->

    #content table tr td {color:#ffffff;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px 1px #000000;}
    #content table tr th {color:#ffffff;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px 1px #000000;}

    td referes to the normal table boxes while th referes to the table head.

    As for headers, they are handled separately. This includes the wiki-page headers. However there is a fix for that.

    /* HEADERS */
    .campaign-public-layout .main-content h1, .campaign-public-layout .main-content h2, .campaign-public-layout .main-content h3, .campaign-public-layout .main-content h4, .campaign-public-layout .main-content h5, .campaign-public-layout .main-content h6 {color:#ffffff;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px 1px #000000;}

    Again this is white (#ffffff) with a black (#000000) shadow. The above changes all headers (h1 through h6) to the desired color. This also includes wiki page headers as they use the same destinction as the normal text heads.

    Hope this helps, my CSS-fu is not that mighty, as you I am a noob at CSS and the above is what I've learned from browsing different places here.
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