linking items

edited March 2011 in Campaign Portal Building
Is it possible to link an item entry to the wiki, like characters? As of right now when I put the double brackets around the item name it just links to a new wiki page. I am wanting to make an armory entry that will show what's in the armory and what has been checked out.


  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Yes, however you have to use the item slug instead of the item name.
    The format should look like this: [[:item slug numbers]]

    When you visit the item's page the slug should be displayed on the right hand side of the page.

    Hope that helps!

  • Erdrix
    Posts: 5
    Ah ok. Thank you!
  • Erdrix
    Posts: 5
    Oh and now I see the the Wiki help that explained it all, right there on the right. *face palm*
  • dneighbors
    Posts: 7
    Edrix.. don't feel silly, items should work like characters in the adventure log screen (ie: quick links)
  • TatteredKing
    Posts: 1
    my turn to ask a question I thought I knew the answer to. I have created an item, which I called "Forgotten Cache Spellbook". Now I know I can link to the item using [[:forgotten-cache-spellbook]], but is there a way I can make the text in the wiki appear to read somethingdifferent, like just "spellbook" or"leather bound book"? I thought I had this figured out, but nothing I try is working.
  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    Yes, you can. In the case of your item, you'd have [[:forgotten-cache-spellbook|spellbook]], or whatever else you'd like it to read.
    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • MachineGunHarry
    Posts: 115
    Is there a way in the CSS to make all Item hyperlinks display with either a different font or different color without using a tag? It is my impression that Items are somehow given an automatic tag in the hard code, hence the way the code is able to distinguish an Item for a Character page. Is there a way to access this logic code to control they way all Item links look?
  • Basileus
    Posts: 585 edited May 2014
    I believe it only distinguishes wiki entries from characters from items by the URI (all wiki entries are stored in the /wikis directory, characters in the /characters directory, items in the /items directory, etc...).

    Sadly, as far as I know CSS has no selectors for resource paths in hyperlinks.
    Post edited by Basileus on
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