Hello All

edited October 2008 in Player Lounge


  • Urm
    Posts: 9
    I'm Jason, just migrating my game materials over from a literal web of interconnected blogs at Blogger to Obsidian Portal. I run a few campaigns in a game world called Urm (http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/urm) that I created and started developing about twenty years ago. Providence (http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/providence) is a current campaign within Urm that I play over Skype and MapTool (http://rptools.net/doku.php?) with four friends on the other side of the country.

    I wanted to applaud AisleTen for developing Obsidian Portal. It's one of the most innovative ideas I've seen in the gaming industry, and I'm looking forward to seeing it's progress. I also look forward to sharing the experience with everyone here in the OP community. Well met everyone and best of luck.

    Cheers - Jason
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Welcome to the Portal! When I was in college, I had a Dr. Martin Behnke as a band director, so your name kind of jumped out at me. =)

    Good luck with the migration! At least you had stuff up on blogs before this. I'm helping my friend/GM archive his stuff electronically for the first time. He's slowly getting the hang of doing it himself, which both makes me proud and VERY nervous. I feel like a mom who's taught her toddler to walk. =/
  • IceBob
    Posts: 98
    Your pages look great, but the wall of text can be daunting when trying to scroll down to the earliest entries.

    Might I recommend the "more" tag?

    Used thusly:
    Here's some text or a teaser here's the rest of the story.

    In use, the tag contains no spaces, but it won't display properly here without them.
  • Urm
    Posts: 9
    FemmeLegion I can relate to the daunting chore of bringing everything over from hardcopy to the digital medium. Somehow I've kept everything from all of these years and a lot of it is still hand-written. Thankfully much of it has moved on and developed into better material today versus the hypothetical that it was when initially written. Still good to keep it all for nostalgia sakes! Good luck with the hand-holding your GM through the modernization process!

    IceBob, thanks so kindly for your suggestion. I will definitely implement this, because I certainly agree with you. Initially the whole idea of managing this stuff digitally was for my own sake, but now entering into a brand new realm where public consumption is a consideration, ideas like this may very well elude me.

  • Snargash_Moonclaw
    Posts: 40
    Hey! You're just on the other side of town! (For now).

    Writing for e-reading takes some getting used to - I'm still struggling with it. Your wiki pages though look pretty approachable - you've gotten the hang of editing into short paragraphs and breaking the pages up with frequent headers. Just the logs hit the massive WoT, and they still are formatted paragraph wise. Titling entries as chapters (somewhat Victorian style maybe: "In which the heroes discover. . .") with an occasional subheader for the long ones might address the accessibility. (At the other end of the spectrum, I thought Verne's journal style for "20,000 Leagues. . ." actually made the story less accessible even in print - as an e-book I would probably find it excruciating.)
  • Urm
    Posts: 9
    Hey there! Thanks for the advice, and best wishes in Colorado... another stunningly beautiful state.

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