[Help Wanted] Wrap Text around Table in Kompozer

edited April 2014 in Campaign Portal Building
Hello, experienced veterans! I'm currently working in Kompozer to make up for my lack of HTML and CSS knowledge. My current project is to make templates for the various sections of my Wiki so that my campaign wiki has a nice, uniform layout between each page. But currently, I'm running into a problem. I have a table that I would like in the top-right hand corner of the page that has the name, picture, and key details. To the left will be a description, biography, etc. But currently, I'm having difficulty getting the text to wrap around the table in order to keep it located in the top-right corner. Does anyone have any pointers?


  • Basileus
    Posts: 585 edited April 2014
    With Obsidian Portal's normal Textile formatting, you would just preface the table with this bit of code:

    @table{float: right;}.@

    But it sounds like you are doing more with the table tag in HTML. Can you post the code you are exporting out of Komposer?
    Post edited by Basileus on
  • Rykros
    Posts: 22
    I'm just Copy/Pasting from the HTML Source code tab and placing it into Obsidian Portal. If I do that here, do I need to parse the code with something to keep the forum from reading it as code?
  • Rykros
    Posts: 22
    Also, I'm actively keeping an eye on this discussion, so my responses should be pretty swift.
  • Basileus
    Posts: 585
    Generally these forums only interpret Textile (and only if you don't select Text at the bottom of the post interface). But you can wrap @ symbols around anything you want to show up in a code box as below:

    @code and suchlike@
  • Basileus
    Posts: 585
    An example of the "float: right" behavior here: "Test page":https://theedgeofnight.obsidianportal.com/wikis/test
  • Rykros
    Posts: 22
    Ah, sounds good. Thank you Basileus. One moment and I'll have your code. Pardon the excessive usage of the word "description" :)
  • Rykros
    Posts: 22
    Of course, I realize there will be excess syntax used such as Body and HTML, but I'll clean those up when I publish the page.

    Description, Description, Description,
    Description, Description,
    Description, Description, Description, Description,
    Description, Description, Description,
    Description, Description, Description, Description,
    Description, Description, Description, Description,

    Ivan Steiner



    Age:  37

    Height:  6'

     182 lbs

    Eyes:  Brown

    Skin:  Tanned

    Hair:  Long,

     Hunter, Furrier

    Status:  Alive

     Illya (Ex-Wife) - Alive

           Allina (Daughter) - Dead
  • Rykros
    Posts: 22
    Oh, and your example is exactly what I'm looking to do. Of course, 1 column x 3 rows but that's just fine detail.
  • Basileus
    Posts: 585
    Okay, in this section:


    Ditch the margin settings and replace them with "float: right;"

    That should be all you need.

    If you like, I can give you a brief tutorial on how to accomplish that much more easily with the built in Textile formatting.
  • Rykros
    Posts: 22
    Thank you very much, Basileus. I may take you up on that offer of a tutorial at a later date. In the mean time, I would like to familiarize myself a little better with this form of coding so I can have a foundation to stand on. My HTML knowledge is back from my high school days.
  • Basileus
    Posts: 585 edited April 2014
    Ah, okay then.

    Just be aware going in that OP does not support all HTML functions (just the basics) in user generated content (as a security measure), so you may run into unexpected walls if you rely entirely on HTML.

    Of course, Textile has it own limitations, so you may break even in the long run.

    EDIT: Also something to be aware of, OP presents HTML5, so you may find that your HTML 4.x behaves oddly from time to time (or doesn't validate).
    Post edited by Basileus on
  • Rykros
    Posts: 22
    Thank you for that heads up. Luckily, I only plan on using things like headers, tables, breaks, horizontal lines, etc. Very basic stuff. Nothing like floating boxes that travel with the page or something. I don't want to overcomplicate things. After all, the action is in the roleplaying and not the Obsidian Portal page :)

    I do have something else. More like a request of recommendation. In the bottom section of my table, it's going to have basic details about wiki page (as noted in the above code), but I would like to keep it nice and uniform. Since you can't use the Tab key to automatically indent, would you just use a second invisible table inside the bottom cell? No visible border, etc?
  • Basileus
    Posts: 585
    The easiest way with pure HTML, is probably to just split those rows into two columns, and have the first column display nothing (or an asterisk or dash for a sort of bulleted list).

    Textile formatting or some inline CSS would be potential alternatives if that doesn't work for you.
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