Link to specific spot in wiki Blah

edited April 2014 in Campaign Portal Building
Is there a way to link to a specific area of a wiki page, as if using the command?



  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    I found this...

    Question: How do I create a link to a specific section of a wiki page, so it automatically scrolls down?
    Answer: To do this, you will need to create an anchor, which marks the spot you want to scroll to, and then a link that tells the browser to scroll there. The link can come from another page, or scroll to a spot on the page you’re already on. For starters, you’ll need to place and anchor, which will look like this:

    Then you’ll need a link, which will look like this on the same page:
    Part 1
    Or like this to link to a section of another page:
    Foo Bar, Part 1@

  • Thorvaldr
    Posts: 141
    This is what I use for the PRP tallies in Tyellador:

    Where I want my link:


    Where I want my link to go:

    DM of "Tyellador:": "CotM April '14":
  • Bortas
    Posts: 645
    OK, so:
    And on that page I have Ulrich

    I tried:
    "Ulrichs points":
    Ulrich's Points

    Both links take me to the top of that wiki page, but not down to Ulrich's section.

    Trying to replicate the intent of what Thorvaldr has, but I want to also be able to do it from their character page.

  • Thorvaldr
    Posts: 141
    Here's the link I have from their character page, going to the wiki:

    PRP Points

    ...which looks very much like what you tried. I did have some weird issues with this a while ago, on one browser it would take me to the top of the page, while on another browser it would take me to the correct place on the page. In whichever page you're trying to link down to, put in a local link as well to take you down to that position, just to make sure your tags are set up correctly there. But... yeah, possibly it's different browsers?

    DM of "Tyellador:": "CotM April '14":
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    Somebody posted (on the help forums?) that they were having the same problem of the link taking them momentarily to the specific spot, then jumping to the top of the page.

    Let me search...

    yeah...might be a bug...if Thorvaldr has it working though...

  • Bortas
    Posts: 645
    Thanks, gang. I saw that other thread, but it was pre-reforge, so thought it might be dead. And I had already seen Thor's working... I know there is a way, I must have a silly error somewhere. Adding links to the anchors at the top of the page, like Thor has, and see where that takes me.

  • Bortas
    Posts: 645
    Well that was unexpected.

    On this page:

    I added this code: Ulrich

    And when I click it, it takes me to the correct place of the document, but the address bar changes to, and the link location is: which if I try to refresh, or use as a link elsewhere, of course does not function.

  • Bortas
    Posts: 645
    Wild again... ok... so I did it for the rest of my players, they all work normally as I would expect.

    Just ulrich is wierd. Now wtf am I missing....?

  • Bortas
    Posts: 645
    Stranger still... I changed "#Ulrich" and "Ulrich" to "#Austin" and "Austin" - works exactly correct.

    Change them back to Ulrich... fails.

  • Basileus
    Posts: 585 edited April 2014
    Definitely sounds bizarre, I was unable to reproduce.

    Probably the result of internet goblins. You might try spreading some salt or St Johns Wort around your computer - goblins hate that stuff.
    Post edited by Basileus on
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